Chaos Devourer System - C.331: A Chat With The Base Head 2

Chaos Devourer System

C.331: A Chat With The Base Head 2

Chapter 331: A Chat With The Base Head 2

“I’ll say not bad…” Zeras said with a nod as he wiped another bucket of sweat from his face.

“And why did you want to grow strong, Kain?” Adrian asked with a curious smile as he hopped over to Zeras’s seat, his big eyeballs shining brightly and Zeras couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow before ignoring him and choosing to recline on the seat instead.

“It is personal…” He replied without mincing words.

“Tch, suit yourself…” Adrian said as he also reclined on the sea, a smile of comfort sneaking its way towards his lips.

“If you aimed to simply enjoy life, then why did you build the Mutant Organization…” Zeras asked curiously as Adrian opened a single eyeball.

“The Mutant Organization is simply one of my steps towards achieving my main goal. To become the absolute strongest. In all its essence, the Mutant Organization’s goal is to simply perform as many genetic tests as possible and to build the strongest Gene possible in all of existence.

“I’m at the Profane Prince Level in gene cultivation and simply a single step from reaching the Profane King Level. Right now, I only have a single more genetic slot In my DNA before it collapses. Naturally, it would have to be the strongest gene in the world, and that is what the mutant organization has been doing. Trying to build that strongest gene…”

“WHAT!!!?” Zeras screamed out in shock as his two eyes snapped open and he turned to look at Adrian his jaws almost dropping to the ground.

“What? Were you expecting some type of big goal, world domination, or something like that? People take life too seriously and they misunderstand the intention of the Mutant Organization. As for the evil that is mentioned about it, to be honest, it had nothing to do with me. I simply shared my goal with a group of five scientists and I gave them power to achieve their goal. It was an exchange. I give them the power they desperately want and in turn, they’ll build me that gene that I want. Even the name Mutant Organization wasn’t made by me. It was made by them. Everything you see here has nothing to do with me.

Apart from handling some headaches, they caused. I’m essentially hands-off on the project. But since their plan further accelerates towards my goal. I didn’t give it much thought and simply let it continue…”Adrian said as he closed his eyes once again and continued swinging his leg around.

And Zeras simply sat down looking at him. He was completely lost for words. The Mutant Organization to which he was sold where he became a lab rat too and where he underwent his most painful experience. The reason behind it was so simple. It was just to build Adrian’s last gene.

“AHH, I’ve felt moisturized enough…” Adrain said as he stood up from the chair. Stop lazing off Kain. Don’t you come here for a reason..” Adrain chastised as Zeras dragged his butt off the chair, the reality of things still hitting him hard.


10 minutes later…

At the very top of the mutant organization, lay a penthouse, and right in front of it were two sits and a glass table. A single mug containing a red colored wine could be seen on the table with two glass cups.

Adrain grabbed the mug he poured the wine into both glass cups and pushed one of them to Zeras before grabbing the other.

“Thank you..” Zeras said when suddenly a thick vein appeared on Adrain’s face.

“I already told you for the 502nd time. I hate formalities…” Adrain said as a wry smile appeared on Zera’s lips. Before turning his neck to the side, he looked at the endless sea of clouds and simply took a sip from it.

Silence reigned for the next forty minutes as both young men jointly sipped their juice before suddenly the silence was broken

“Why do you want to kill me…” Zeras suddenly asked with a smile as he turned to look at Adrain whose hand reaching for his lips paused in the air as he looked at Zeras with a smile before dropping the glass cup in his hand on the table.

“When did you realize that?” Adrian asked with a curious smile as Zera’s smile widened even more.

“Ever since you told me your story…” Zeras said with a smile as he looked into the sea of clouds.

Ever since Zeras had stepped foot at this place and he had met with Adrian. His heart has lushed in his chest and his spine has been growing colder and colder. It was a feeling he didn’t understand the reason for. But after continuously chatting with Adrian, that feeling had calmed down. But Zeras isn’t the one to forget such a thing.

After he asked Adrian about his reason for growing strong and Adrian told him, he had concluded that the young man had decided to kill him. His further questions like the motive behind the Mutnat organization’s creation, only cemented his conclusion. If he was to put himself in Adrian’s shoes, the only person Zeras would tell all those secrets to was a dead man or soon-to-be dead man.

This chapter is updated by freēwē

“You’re the strangest kid I have ever laid my eyes on. To be able to realize I was going to kill you and still smile and laugh. I don’t understand that at all…” Adrian said with a smirk as he picked up his glass and took a sip.

“You have not answered my question. Why did you want to kill me…” Zeras asked with a curious smile on his face.

“Ahh, ok kid. You pulled my ear. I’ll tell you. It is actually because of a simple reason. You’re very strange.”

“Hmm, strange. In what way?” Zeras asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Take a look at these files…” Kain ordered as he passed the file to Zeras who took it and began reading it, a smile soon appearing on his face.

The file was all about the history of a single person. frёewebηovel.cѳm


The person Zeras stole his form…

“I can bet on my life that you’re not that idiot. So, Who are you…”

