Subscriber of the Gods - C.109: See You Next Time

Subscriber of the Gods

C.109: See You Next Time

It moves like you said, right? Much smoother than a normal golem?

Ethan didnt bother explaining and immediately activated the special golem.


As soon as the magic was activated, the golem took a stance and started moving.

Swish-! Shuuush-!

And it performed the basic Revinade swordsmanship of the academy.


Seeing the special golem move so naturally, Etting was impressed.

This is powered by Yericas magic, my escort behind me.

Etting saw the mage in robes standing obediently behind Ethan.

The Lightweight Workshop, and this special golem, were all led by the mage over there.

My most important business partner.

At that remark, Yericas shoulders twitched slightly.

What do you think?

Etting smiled at Ethans question. The quality was much better than what she had heard explained.

Most of all, she could quickly discern the areas Ethan had paid attention to.

When selling a product, quality was the most important thing, but there was one more thing just as important.

Sustainability of the sale.

Selling too perfect of a product would get good reviews, but it was likely to end after just one sale.

In other words, it wouldnt lead to re-purchases.

All that would be left is the good review.

Good reviews alone couldnt sustain a living.

In that regard, this product was outstanding in terms of sustainability.

You adjusted the durability on purpose, didnt you?

As expected, you noticed. My partner went through quite a bit of effort. It wasnt easy to intentionally lower the durability since it was made by a skilled mage.

At that, Etting looked at Yerica as if surprised.

A rare mage indeed.

A special mage.

Ethan said with a smile.

An amazing product for sure. I wouldnt be a merchant if I couldnt sell something like this.

Etting, I didnt just come today to talk about this special golem.

Ethan spoke in a serious tone.

It was time to get to the main point now. He didnt arrange this meeting just to show her a prototype.

It was to ask again about the resolve they had discussed before.

My intention to give you the sales of this special golem isnt for any other reason. Like I said last time, I believe your potential is much greater than now.

You mean if my resolve is set?

Yes. I will give you this special golem. Then you must use it to attain a higher position within the David Merchant Guild, Etting. No matter what.

This special golem was worth that much.

Regardless of high or low rank, it was a business item that could solidify her position within the Merchant Guild and help her climb to an even higher spot.

Its not a question of whether you can or cant. You must do it. If not, I have no reason to give this to you in the first place.

He didnt come to check on a half-hearted mindset.

This kind of provocation is necessary to get her fired up.

It was his intention to bring forward the plan to take over the David Merchant Guild a bit faster.

At Ethans words, Etting made a slightly surprised expression.

But soon it returned to the face of the merchant nicknamed the Money Ghost.

Ive been thinking too complacently.

The first time she met Ethan was at the Whiskers territory.

The young heir of a local noble house who hit it big with the outstanding business idea of lightweighting.

From their first meeting, she realized he was no ordinary person.

Ethan, whose status had changed before she knew it, was gradually becoming the incredible figure she had expected.

Then she should be the same.

She couldnt remain at a middling position with a middling mindset.

With this special golem business.

Etting spoke emphatically.

I will become the Merchant Guild Master of the David Merchant Guild.

Only then did Ethan smile and hold out his hand.

To Etting, it felt like a passing grade.

Next time we meet, youll be the Merchant Guild Master.

The students in the Potion Manufacturing class had dark circles under their eyes.

They all had popped blood vessels, with dark circles going down to their chins, looking extremely tired.

But even in their fatigue, most had satisfied smiles.

Hehehe, I did it, I did it.

Mages are like this.

Once they gain interest in something, they pursue it day and night without discrimination.

Of course, the same was true for the students of the Knight Department, but they could stop when exhausted from swinging their weapons, while the mages here could return to their original state after drinking just one mana potion even when tired, which was the difference.

Since they didnt get physically exhausted, they could keep up the mad pace.

These crazy bastards, were they up all night just researching brle?

Ill be number one this time. No one here is faster at making potions than me! Look at my hard work, the brle!

They all looked tired physically, but their eyes burned bright. Ethans tremendous application of using brle in potion manufacturing.

Surely this exam would be about making potions utilizing brle.

Plus, they were all looking forward to how Ethan would teach the brle application that only top-scoring students would receive.

It was already an anticipated event, but Ethans feat at the parent observation class was decisive.

Added to that were talks of Ethan participating in the inter-departmental exchange, making expectations extremely high.

Among the numerous geniuses at the academy, Ethan had already established himself as a genius teacher in the eyes of the Potion Manufacturing students.


The door opened and Ethan entered the classroom.

As soon as Ethan came in, the students cheered and congratulated him.

Congratulations Teacher!

Really congratulations on getting first place in donations at the parent observation class!

To them, it no longer mattered that Ethan was from the Knight Department.

Thank you. Im very pleased to see you all have dark circles under your eyes.

Ethan smiled at the students who were clearly not in their normal state.

Did you all practice well with the brle?


Then today Ill teach you how to make potions utilizing that brle.

If the previous class was about improving proficiency with brle, this class could be seen as a practical lesson utilizing that brle.

How much they could produce utilizing this brle in actual potion production.

Simply making potions using brle is not enough. Quickly making high-quality potions is the ultimate goal of this class.

At Ethans words, the students tensed up.

He was right. Simply making them quickly was meaningless.

Through practicing with brle, they had made a truly massive number of potions. They didnt let those potions go to waste and drank them all, and by experiencing each one they clearly realized that making quality potions utilizing brle was more difficult than they thought.

There are no shortcuts when making potions with brle.

Ethan made it clear.

Repetition, repetition, and more repetition is most important.

Ethan immediately took out ingredients and a flask and started making a potion.

The brle-utilizing potion production that the Potion Manufacturing students repeated everyday unfolded swiftly from Ethans hands.

The students watching the lesson knew well too.

There really were no shortcuts in potion production.

As Ethan said, repetition until it became completely your own could be seen as the only shortcut.

As the students nodded in agreement at Ethans words, thinking this was when they would move on to the practical section.

Ethan grinned and added on.

But anyone could say that kind of obvious thing. While repetition is important, Ill teach you how to repeat more efficiently.

The brle Ethan used was a spell with limitless applications.

Especially in potion production, brle had several utilization methods.

At first, youd have gotten caught up in the speed of this brle and recklessly made potions as fast as possible. And youd have succeeded.

As Ethan demonstrated, they could make potions quickly.

So theyd have thought it was the right method.

So Grandel Torf, what were the results like?

Scratching his head, Grandel answered.

Well What Teacher Ethan made definitely had quality, but what I made just had speed; the potions made didnt utilize the ingredients strengths so the quality was a bit lacking.

How about the other students?

I just made those kinds of potions too!

Me too, actually.

They all could increase the speed tremendously.

But the quality of the potions made decreased.

You all knew that making them this quickly would just produce useless things, right? But since you achieved speed and made somewhat usable things, you probably thought it wasnt too bad.

They likely felt it was a modicum of success.

The students eyes simultaneously grew wide.

Could he really know their thoughts so well?

To think that by altering the glyphs they could raise the potions quality while controlling the speed as they pleased.

But I made them alone in a separate room.

You werent right next to us?

The students murmured.

Ethan had described their psyche as if he had been watching right beside them.

That trial and error was natural.

Ethan once again put ingredients into a flask and started making a new potion.

It was similar to before, but this time the speed from the brle decreased a little.

Simply speed is not important. This brles speed can be adjusted, you see.

It was an issue of how to inscribe the brle.

Like this, using half of the brle.

Ethan only drew half of the superior first-class brle. The brle was then cast at half efficacy.


The potion in the flask boiled less than before.

The half-efficacy brles heat was weaker than the first-class brle.

And inscribing brle like this? Look, it can even rotate.


The essence of brle was burning.

Controlling the heat and form was about utilizing the brle glyphs in various ways.

By doing so, they could focus more on the potion.

I only use this brle for potion creation. But.

Ethan grinned.

Students of the Magic Department could apply it in diverse areas.

The students curiosity was piqued.

It was an application method they hadnt even imagined.

Who wouldve thought that by simply altering the glyphs they could raise potion quality, control speed, and focus more on the potion itself.

But you know.

Contrary to the students expectation that they would now move on to the practical section, Ethan frowned slightly and pointed at a student.

Who said you could casually use magic during my class?

At Ethans words, the students gazes simultaneously shifted.


Who used magic!

Using magic recklessly during class was against etiquette. But to the students, not a single one seemed to be using magic.

They didnt feel any mana ripples either, and nothing had happened despite the apparent spellcasting.

Me, me?

The one Ethan had singled out was a female student.

She had thick brown hair and glasses, looking extremely plain and ordinary as a Magic Department student.

This is clear cheating by proxy attendance. Im giving you demerits.

Ethan stamped his foot and declared.

The students were all flustered.

Proxy attendance?

Roanna du Prochet.

Roanna? Teacher, shes not Roanna, shes.

The murmuring students.

In that instant, the female students expression noticeably stiffened. Then in the blink of an eye, her appearance started changing.

Lush green hair.

Big round eyes.

She was a student at the center of making the current Magic Department the golden age, the top-ranked second year when the Magic Department took first place at Ivecar.

How did you know?

Roanna looked at Ethan as if truly curious. The other students were watching her with shocked eyes.

It was a perfect transformation spell. Without any hint of oddness.

Thats why Roanna was curious.

How Ethan realized it.


Ethan answered briefly.

Author's Thoughts

Want to read ahead of the scheduled release? You can check the Novel page on the website (or press the next chapter button) and buy an advanced chapter with only 20 Honeys! (100 Honeys is only 5$! So you can basically read 5 advanced chapters ahead of schedule!)

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