Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse - C.443: Reunion


ā€œBIG BRO!ā€ a brorilla shouted, shooting into space.

ā€œBrock!ā€ Jack exclaimed. Part of his suppressed feelings erupted. Warmth appeared in his heart. With his brother by his side, the world was not as dark anymore.

The two men met in the vacuum and hugged tightly. Jack could feel Brockā€™s disbelief, his shock, his excitement. Heā€™d thought Jack deadā€”how could he not be relieved?

ā€œBrock!ā€ Jack exclaimed again, with pleasant surprise. ā€œYouā€™ve grown!ā€

A year ago, Brock had been almost at Jackā€™s height. Heā€™d now grown to seven feet tall, with bulging muscles and dark fur. Heā€™d resembled a gymonkey in childhood, but heā€™d now become an almost fully grown brorilla.

ā€œHow!?ā€ Brock asked in a deep, emotional voice. ā€œHow are you alive? They said they killed you. I felt the connection severed!ā€

ā€œIā€™ll tell you all about it, bro. In short, they forced me into the Animal Abyss, which turned out to be another world entirely. Thatā€™s why the connection was severed. But I meditated, repaired my Dao, and now Iā€™m back.ā€

Brock looked up with bright eyes. ā€œYou are alive!ā€ he repeated, unable to believe this. ā€œWait. What do you mean you repaired your Dao?ā€

Jackā€™s eyes suddenly darkened. Of course. Using his son as a hostage was a shameful actā€”nobody would publicize it, and Brock hadnā€™t been there to watch it happen.

ā€œItā€™s a long story,ā€ he said. ā€œIā€™ll tell you everything later.ā€

Brock sensed the darkness in Jackā€™s heart. He was confused. This was the same darkness he also contained, but his came from the desire to get revenge over his fallen big brother. What reason could Jack have to feel the same?

He did not speak anymore. He led Jack into the Trampling Ram, filled with familiar faces, both old and new.

ā€œYou guysā€¦ā€ Jack said, his voice dripping with emotion. ā€œYou are all here. Salin, Nauja, Bomn, Vashterā€¦ What is this, a reunion?ā€

ā€œHehe.ā€ Salin chuckled. ā€œWe couldnā€™t sit still after they said you were dead. We had to give them a piece of our mind!ā€

ā€œThe Trampling Ram answered the call,ā€ Bomn said, bringing a fist in front of his heart. ā€œYou are part of this crew. Avenging you was our duty.ā€

ā€œYou didnā€™t have to worry us so muchā€¦ā€ Nauja added, her eyes smiling with relief.

Jack smiled back. Even after everyone thought he was dead, they still remembered him. They genuinely cared. What a unique feeling.

ā€œThank you,ā€ he said. ā€œItā€™s good to be back.ā€

ā€œWe missed you,ā€ Brock said. His voice was careful. ā€œWe are safe here. We are together. Tell us what happened.ā€

Jack shook his head. ā€œHow about you go first?ā€

Brock nodded, then took a deep breath. ā€œAfter you were gone, Iā€¦ I was lost for a while. My heart was cracked. You are important to me. I lost my way, but I found it again after meditating on brohood. For us warriors, death is a natural eventā€”the best we can do is keep moving forward, carrying the torch of our fallen brothers.ā€

Jack listened quietly. He noticed that Brockā€™s speech had reached fluencyā€”even better than most humans he knew. At the same time, he was sad. ā€œI put you through a lot, brotherā€¦ Iā€™m sorry.ā€

ā€œDonā€™t worry. Itā€™s enough that you returned,ā€ Brock replied. ā€œAfter I recovered from the shock, I decided to take on your mantle. I vowed to destroy the Animal Kingdom and protect Earth. Fate led us to the Trampling Ram, and the five of us embarked on revenge. In the past year, we have decimated the Animal Kingdom operations and outposts, even killing two C-Grade Enforcers. I know itā€™s not much, but the Hand of God is also after us so weā€™re forced to move carefully. Iā€™m growing stronger. Soon, I will be able to face their B-Grades.ā€

Jack blinked. He took another look at Brock. He hadnā€™t noticed it at first, but the aura rising from his body had evolved. In the span of a single year, Brock had developed two additional Dao Fruits, reaching the seven-fruit boundary. He was now a late C-Gradeā€”given his power, dealing with any peak C-Grade of the Animal Kingdom should be a piece of cake.

ā€œYouā€™ve surpassed me!ā€ Jack exclaimed with pride. ā€œIā€™m only at five fruits myself!ā€

ā€œCultivation is only the foundation.ā€ Brock chuckled. ā€œYou are stronger than me still.ā€

Jack smiled. ā€œSo you guys turned into terrorists?ā€

ā€œGuerilla warfare,ā€ Nauja said. ā€œLike the time you were in Hell. We strike quickly and decisively, then teleport away. The losses weā€™ve caused to the Kingdom are steeper than Brock impliedā€”and we couldnā€™t have done it without the crew of the Trampling Ram.ā€

This text was taken from Royal Road. Help the author by reading the original version there.

ā€œIā€™m proud of you guys,ā€ Jack said, looking around. This had been a year of progress for everyone. Brock had reached the late C-Grade, Salin and Nauja were at the very peak of the D-Grade, and Bomn had also reached the middle D-Grade. Even Vashter, the weakest member of the team, had broken into the D-Grade.

This was a manifestation of the principle that oneā€™s environment affected the person. When Jack first met Vashter, that mace-wielding feshkur, heā€™d been a middle E-Grade with little hope for the future. However, in later years, Vashter had been dragged through one disaster after the other, adventuring with people whose vision reached beyond the Milky Way galaxy.

Now, that once-mediocre feshkur had become an immortalā€”the same Grade as Captain Dordok.

Vashter caught Jackā€™s gaze and grinned. ā€œThis is all because of you,ā€ he said. ā€œBack in the day, I used to despise you after you lied to us and caused Achillesā€™s death and Captain Dordokā€™s capture. Now, I have to admitā€¦my vision was too narrow. You are such a great man that your passage naturally leaves waves for the rest of us to weather. If we can, we emerge greater than before. If we canā€™t, we perishā€¦but I understand now that it is not your fault.ā€

Jack blinked. Vashter had turned into a bit of a fanboy, excusing some of Jackā€™s past failures, but that was okay. Everyone could use a role model.

ā€œI guess I have to tell you my side of the story as well,ā€ he said, sighing. His mood dropped like a stone in a well. ā€œAh, but before we start, check this out, Brock. I got you a gift.ā€

He reached into his space ring and grabbed a simple-looking staff. It looked to be made of wood, yet it shimmered slightly as if inlaid with gold. The moment Brockā€™s eyes fell on the staff, he couldnā€™t pull them off.

ā€œThis is the Goldenwood Staff,ā€ Jack explained, raising the staff so everyone could take a good look. ā€œIt used to be the weapon of an ancient A-Grade. Now, itā€™s yours. Youā€™ve needed one since Baron Longform broke the Staff of Stone, right?ā€

Only now did Brock manage to speak. ā€œGood staff,ā€ he said. His hand wrapped around the body of the staff as if by itself, twirling the weapon around and getting a feel for it. He nodded again. ā€œGood staff,ā€ he repeated. ā€œThanks, bro. This means a lot. But where did you find it?ā€

Jack smiled sadly. ā€œYouā€™ll see. Letā€™s take a seat first. This will not be pleasant.ā€

The others exchanged worried glances but did as he said. Only Brock, who had sensed Jackā€™s darkness, suspected the nature of what was to come.

Jack told them everything. From the moment they separated near Hell, he spoke about his chase through space until he reached the Animal Abyss. He told them how he broke through again and again, using all sorts of methods to eventually hide inside, hoping for a miracle.

This next part wasnā€™t easy for him, so he narrated it quickly. How Artus Emberheart had revealed Jackā€™s son, forcing him to surrender, then killed Eric regardless. How Jack had gone mad and overdrawn himself to escape. How his Dao had cracked.

By this point, the starship had gone deathly silent. Everyone listened with disbelief. Even Brock was surprisedā€”he knew something bad had happened, but he never expected it to be this tragic.

Nauja had covered her mouth with her hands, shivering. The moment Jackā€™s words stopped ringing, she jumped up and rushed to hug him. ā€œOh my God, Jack, Iā€™m so sorry! I have no words. Iā€™m so, so sorryā€¦ā€

Jack wanted to protest. Yet, the moment another personā€™s warmth reached him, he almost cracked. He hadnā€™t realized how badly he needed a hug for the past year. Silently, he hugged back, and Nauja stayed there until he relaxed his embrace. Only then did she slowly back away.

ā€œHow are you?ā€ Brock asked.

Jack sighed. ā€œAs you can imagine. Terriblyā€¦but I have recovered a bit. I can think again. As soon as I have my revenge, I will be fine.ā€

A complex look emerged on Brockā€™s face, but he didnā€™t reply.

ā€œIā€™m sorry, man,ā€ Salin said, placing a hand on Jackā€™s shoulder. ā€œNobody should have to experience that. Stay strong. Donā€™t lose yourself.ā€

Jack chuckled with surprise. ā€œThatā€™s pretty sane for you to say.ā€

ā€œOf course. Iā€™m insane, not an asshole.ā€

ā€œThe death of a child is something I have experienced as well,ā€ Bomn added with his sonorous voice. ā€œIt was the worst period of my life. I was deeply scarred, and even now, I have not fully recoveredā€¦ I cannot imagine what youā€™re going through. I just hope you eventually find your way out of the darkness. Donā€™t be hard on yourself.ā€

Jack smiled. ā€œThank you for your kind words. Iā€™m fine.ā€

Nobody responded further, so Jack continued. He spoke about how he entered the black hole as a last resort, partially expectingā€”and maybe hopingā€”to die, then unexpectedly emerged in a new world. He described the Black Hole World and its people, their plight and unique perspective on life.

He skimmed over the year he spent there, focusing more on the world than his personal journey of recovery. Finally, he repaired his Dao, furthered his understandings in all his Daos, left the Black Hole World and pocketed it, then killed the middle B-Grade Ancestor before coming over to meet them.

ā€œYou killed a middle B-Grade?!ā€ Salin exclaimed. ā€œMan, can you be any more awesome? Youā€™re like a fairy tale hero at this point!ā€

ā€œIā€™m just a man trying his best,ā€ Jack replied. ā€œWell, that was everything that happened to me. I know it was a lot to take in, butā€¦ It happened. Letā€™s try to move on.ā€

ā€œI donā€™t even know where to start,ā€ Nauja said, shaking her head. ā€œThe Black Hole World, your powerā€¦youā€¦ Itā€™s all so unexpected. Itā€™s justā€¦ Jackā€¦ I know you have a grip on things, but I just hopeā€¦ Donā€™t fall into the darkness. Please.ā€

ā€œIā€™m fine,ā€ Jack repeated, a little more solidly this time. Talking about this issue made him uncomfortable. Even thinking about it was difficult, let alone discussing it. ā€œI did not mention all those so we had something to talk about, but so we can be on the same page. I will handle myself. I got this. The way I need you to support me is by helping me get revenge. Are you with me?ā€

Brockā€™s stare remained steady, not betraying his inner thoughts. The other four exchanged glances. ā€œOf course we are,ā€ Salin replied. ā€œTill death do us part. Weā€™re all bros here, right?ā€

ā€œEven me?ā€ Nauja asked, raising a brow.

ā€œEspecially you.ā€

ā€œWe have been pursuing revenge already,ā€ Bomn said. ā€œBe it for us, for you, or for the world, the tyranny of the Animal Kingdom must come to an end. We will not stop until we succeed or die.ā€

ā€œI will never abandon you,ā€ Brock said. He had a unique way of speaking candidly without seeming vulnerable. ā€œYou are in good hands, big bro. I am here for you. We all are. Letā€™s win this battle.ā€

ā€œThatā€™s what I like to hear!ā€ Jack exclaimed. His lips were smiling, but his eyes were dark. ā€œLetā€™s go. We have a Kingdom to destroy.ā€ššršžš—²šš ebšš—ošÆ

