Return of the Mount Hua Sect - C.530: Do Not Bow Your Head (5)Nov 14, 2023

Return of the Mount Hua Sect

C.530: Do Not Bow Your Head (5)Nov 14, 2023


Chung Myung used the carcass pierced by his sword as a shield to forcefully push away the enemies in front of him.


“Do not retreat!”

The members of the Demonic Sect gave their utmost efforts to impede Chung Myung, but they were powerless against his current strength.


Chung Myung brandished his sword towards them and discarded the body with a swift motion. The sudden action caused the opponents to take a step back.

24 Movement: Plum Blossom Sword’s Plum Blossom Forcing Beauty. Simultaneously, his sword moved like a snake towards them.

Slash. Slash. Slash.

The bodies of the Demonic Sect members were instantly stained with blood. Despite coughing and splattering blood all over, they continued to run and try to stop Chung Myung.

However, it was impossible to block Chung Myung with their wounded bodies.


Chung Myung, who took his opponent’s head, leaped into the air and stabbed the bodies of the enemies nearby.

Meanwhile, his gaze scanned the battlefield.

They held the advantage here, but elsewhere, the tides were turning. Although the demons were currently being pushed back by their forces, there was no need to relentlessly pursue them, given the difference in power.

“The Second Coming of the Heavenly Demon! May the blessings be upon us!”

“Kill those unbelievers!”

In the location where the combatants of Ice Palace and the Demonic Sect confronted each other, the Ice Palace warriors started to retreat gradually.

The open area became crowded with the Demonic Sect people streaming out of the cave. Nevertheless, Chung Myung noticed this and smirked.


These individuals were definitely lacking. They understood what needed to be done but lacked the skill to accomplish it. Perhaps it was because they hadn’t experienced war.


Chung Myung exhaled, lifting his body once more, his eyes fixed ahead.

As the group emerged from the cave, they sought an open space to engage in combat. The position that had been held to prevent the Ice Palace warriors from entering had now become vulnerable.

“Hae Yeon!”

“Yes, master!”

Hae Yeon responded loudly from behind and hurried towards Chung Myung.

“Take your position here and clear a path! Sasuk! Sago! Assist Hae Yeon on either side!”

“Got it!”

Baek Cheon ran towards them while Yu Yiseol hurriedly joined Hae Yeon’s side without saying a word. Yoon Jong, Jo Gul, and Tang Soso also found their places, although there wasn’t any specific order.

Standing furthest away, Chung Myung turned his head to look at Seol So-Baek and Han Yi-Myung.

“Trust me!”


Seol So-Baek responded with a loud voice, and Han Yi-Myung nodded as he bit his lip. The crucial objective here wasn’t just to defeat the members of the Demonic Sect but to prevent the Heavenly Demon from being resurrected.

“Break through, bald head!”


Hae Yeon immediately swung his fist, which turned golden and shielded him from the attack. It was akin to sunlight slicing through the land.

The disciples of Mount Hua, dressed in their black robes, swiftly followed after him.

“Do not look back! Keep moving forward! I will deal with the attacks from behind!”

Chung Myung yelled and dashed ahead.


The edge of his sword moved gracefully and elegantly, creating a shower of red plum blossoms. The plum blossoms bloomed instantly and rained down on the left and right of the Mount Hua disciples who were pushing through the path.



It was the Plum Blossom Sword, which should be familiar to the Demonic Sect people who invaded the Ice Palace. However, they had never faced Chung Myung before.

How could they not be shocked when the sword energy, in the shape of flowers, kept pouring down like rain?

Hae Yeon pierced through the defense line, which was loose as they were forced to block and dodge.



With a vibrating sound, like a huge ball being hit, those who blocked Hae Yeon’s path were pushed away.

Like the mountain above, a crushing force pressed down on their bodies.


Unable to withstand the weight, their bodies started coughing up blood, while their eyes, ears, and nose began to bleed.

The Demonic Sect members were not ones to easily back down. However, this attack left them vulnerable, and Yu Yiseol was never one to pass up an opportunity.


Yu Yiseol’s sword, like a lightning bolt, swiftly pierced the hearts of the Demonic Sect members, who were overwhelmed.


Their hearts were severed, blood splattering onto Yu Yiseol’s face. However, she didn’t even blink and relentlessly went after them, stabbing without mercy. Witnessing this emotionless taking of lives was both terrifying and yet oddly reassuring.

“You wicked creature!”

The warriors of the Demonic Sect targeted Yu Yiseol.


In that instant, Baek Cheon stepped forward and shielded her.


However, the longer upper fingernail of one of the demons couldn’t be fully stopped and sliced through Yu Yiseol’s upper arm. She remained calm as if she didn’t feel any pain, ensuring her opponent’s demise.


With Yu Yiseol and Baek Cheon’s assistance, Hae Yeon, who had bought himself some time, gathered his qi and pressed forward to perform another round of the Hundred Steps Fist.




Successive punches rained down, shattering the opposition’s formation and ultimately unveiling the cave entrance.

“Come with me!”

Hae Yeon dashed ahead, bellowing loudly, a behavior not typical of him, while Yoon Jong, Jo Gul, and Tang Soso had his back.

Before long, the disciples of Mount Hua rushed into the cave. However, one person stayed behind…


Chung Myung, who was left behind, just stared at them with empty eyes.


Weren’t you supposed to take someone with you?


Guys? Hello?


Chung Myung chuckled, finding the situation absurd. He shook his head a few times and started running towards the cave. He swiftly defeated the opponents attempting to rush in and then turned to Seol So-Baek.

He said nothing. But the kid nodded firmly as if determined to defeat the remaining Demonic Sect warriors.

“Anyway, these people…”

They all grew quickly.

Chung Myung smiled as he rushed into the cave. Before he knew it, a blue flower naturally bloomed in his eyes.

‘As long as I am here, you cannot do as you want.’


The cave shook.

The high priest’s eyes twitched as the clash outside and erupting qi reached him. His nonchalant expression began to slowly transform.

‘It is the momentous event we have awaited for a century.’

There was not much left to be done. Yet the heavens continued to test them.

No, perhaps even the heavens feared the Heavenly Demon and sought to obstruct his return.

But it was all futile.

Even the heavens could not prevent the resurrection of the Heavenly Demon. Soon, the realm of the heavens would crumble, and the dominion of the Demonic Sect would be unleashed.

At that moment,

“High priest!”

Someone hurriedly approached him.

“The unbelievers have intruded upon the Demonic Cave!”

Without even glancing, the high priest replied,

“Stop them.”

“T-they are trying their utmost to impede their progress! However, the strength of the intruders surpasses our expectations, so they have yet to fully obstruct them…”

“Stop them.”


The anxious voice fell silent in the face of the eerie voice that came from the high priest.

“There isn’t much time left until the Heavenly Demon steps into the land. Even if your life ends, do not let the feet of those filthy, disgusting unbelievers touch this sacred place.”

Soon, the man’s eyes shone with a determination that was as alarming as poison.

“The second coming of the Heavenly Demon! The world of the Demonic Way will be achieved!”


Buoyed by the praise, the man sprinted out, ready to meet his demise.

Throughout the entire process, the high priest’s gaze remained fixated on the image of Asura before him.

“… The Second Coming of the Heavenly Demon.”

He was aware.

Forcing entry into the cave signified the presence of a formidable individual among them, one whom his sect’s members couldn’t stop. Those individuals would likely overpower them no matter how much they tried to delay it.

Yet, he had no alternative.

The most important thing for him was not to have guards protecting him here.

Living in a world without the Heavenly Demon was worse than dying for the demonic disciples.

If the Heavenly Demon was resurrected now, they would also sacrifice their lives for him.

“Heavenly Demon, please do not ignore the blood and anger of these sect members.”

It took a long time, but that wait was finally coming to an end.


The sound of his heart, clearer than before, now resonated inside the high priest’s chest.

“Ah… ah… ahh….”

Right at that moment,


He felt enormous vibrations from behind and simultaneously heard a scream.


The vibrations gradually intensified, resonating throughout the cave.

“The Second Coming of the Heavenly Demon.”

Blue blood started dripping from the high priest’s eyes.



Hae Yeon’s fist connected with the chins of the Demonic Sect members. An individual with a prominent jawbone crumbled and collapsed onto the ground.


Without sparing a single glance at the fallen opponent, Hae Yeon continued to sprint forward. The disciples of Mount Hua swiftly followed him.

Yet, in that very instant…

The demonic individuals sprawled across the floor extended their hands, seizing the leg of Baek Cheon.

Baek Cheon looked down, startled. Even though the man’s internal organs were destroyed and his chin was crushed in a terrifying manner, he was still holding onto his leg.

The strength in his hand wasn’t powerful. It lacked internal qi, only offering a mere touch.

Nevertheless, the desperation in that hand was enough to send chills down his spine.

“… Heavenly Demon…”




Baek Cheon decapitated his opponent but couldn’t see the lifeless body crumble. Despite removing the head, the hand that grasped the leg remained firm.

Forcibly ripping off the hand, Baek Cheon clenched his teeth and pursued those who had already moved forward.


The Demonic Sect comprised individuals who had no regard for their own lives, akin to a mother beast protecting her lair. Even Baek Cheon, who believed he had grasped the nature of the Demonic Sect to some extent, couldn’t help but shudder at this realization.

‘What significance does this Heavenly Demon hold to them?’

What kind of fanaticism was this?

No matter how hard he tried, Baek Cheon couldn’t grasp their perspective. No matter how devoted they were, how could they so effortlessly discard their lives for the sake of these unknown creatures?

Could the presence of a Heavenly Demon, whom no one had ever encountered, truly be worth risking their lives for?

‘I will never comprehend.’

All he experienced was repulsion coursing through his veins. And it seemed to explain why the Demonic Sect and the Central Plains harbored such animosity towards one another.

‘This has to be one and the same individual.’


“Clear your mind,”

A low voice came from behind him.

“We can think about it later.”


Baek Cheon nodded in agreement with Chung Myung’s words and tightened his grip on his legs.

“Charge! Move forward!”

“I see it!”

Gritting his teeth, he focused on what lay ahead. He spotted a faint light shimmering at the end of the cave.

“That’s it!”

His instincts told him it was happening right there.

“Let’s move!”

Baek Cheon, who shouted to calm his trembling heart, soon jumped ahead and rushed forward. His movement was so swift that the cave walls seemed to fade.

In no time, they reached the large cavity.


“… what?”

The disciples of Mount Hua couldn’t hide their shock at the sight before them. A massive cloth completely covered the front of the cave, displaying an image of Asura.

The ominousness of an image they had never seen before caused them to flinch.


Their gaze first fixated on the figure of Asura but ultimately rested on a figure in front of it.

An old man.

Everyone’s eyes were transfixed on this old man, sitting cross-legged alone in a large cavity, seemingly on the verge of collapsing.

There was nothing particular about him except for his slightly large body and age. The white hair was held in place with a hairpin at an angle, and the long red robe looked worn and faded.

Regardless of his appearance, he was just an ordinary man.


‘What is…’

Baek Cheon bit his lip.

He felt like an extremely ominous and odd aura crawled up his ankles. The feeling of repulsion from it was so strong that he wanted to scratch his body down.

They continued to look straight ahead, frozen in action. Yet, they couldn’t shake the feeling that a looming danger lay ahead as if they had willingly stepped into the gaping maw of a ferocious beast.

“That man is…”

The disciples of Mount Hua held their breath, anticipation filling the air.

The High Priest, the figure who guided the remaining members of the Demonic Sect. They all knew, without a single word spoken or sword unsheathed.

But this man was unlike any they had encountered from the Demonic Sect.


He was an entirely different breed of opponent, unlike anything they had ever faced before.

Even the Abbot of Shaolin had never experienced such a formidable presence. Hae Yeon’s face turned pale, which served as evidence of this fact.

The sight caused everyone to groan in distress.

“Second Coming of Heavenly Demon,”

Someone muttered.

Seated, the old man began to channel his qi into the ground, allowing it to dissipate throughout the area.

With no regard for the people behind him, the old man, who held immense reverence for the image of Asura, gradually stood up. Only then did he turn towards them.

It was an eerie scene.

Their eyes met, causing the disciples of Mount Hua to flinch unconsciously.

“You’re not supposed to be here.”

There was madness in his eyes.

“The audacity of defiling the sacred space where the Heavenly Demon is to be resurrected. It won’t be enough to pay the price even if you give your life.”

Cold sweat ran down their faces.

A fight?

With this person?

Everyone’s faces turned white in an instant.

“This old man must have lived for far too long and lost his sanity. What on earth are you talking about, resurrection?”

A calm voice came from behind them as Chung Myung walked out with an expression of pity.

“It seems like you’re in the dark…”


With a smile, he unsheathed his sword and gestured towards the man.

“That is something you’ll need my permission to proceed with.”


A soft laugh escaped the lips of the high priest. The laughter grew louder and louder as if he had gone completely insane.


The voice resounded through the cave, echoing its eerie presence.

Demonic qi coursed through the man’s body, its dark essence akin to black water. As if an evil spirit had entered the realm, the disciples of Mount Hua gripped their swords tightly.

“Even a single strand of your hair won’t escape this world! You filthy, disgusting unbelievers!”

The high priest’s radiant demonic qi surged through the cave, a formidable force to be reckoned with.

A century ago, a high priest of the Demonic Sect, who had transformed into the very embodiment of a Heavenly Demon, had brought devastation upon the world.

That power was surging through this place once more.

