Necromancer Of The Shadows - C.788 The Scarlet Blood Rose (Part 1)Mar 13, 2024

Necromancer Of The Shadows

C.788 The Scarlet Blood Rose (Part 1)Mar 13, 2024

In the plain ground of the Tomb, Evan stood in front of a cave with Adam, Albelu, Gobu, and Brown. Behind them stood more than one thousand shadow undeads who were the members of Team Red.

"It will be a disadvantage to us if we fight inside the cave," Evan muttered, looking at the entrance of the cave.

The mid-level Rank Two and two beginner-level monsters who were inside the cave already felt their presence, but they didn't come out and were planning to stay inside.

Evan did not want to fight inside the cave because it would be impossible for all the members of Team Red to fight in such a narrow space. Moreover, if he ordered his shadow undeads to attack recklessly inside the cave, the treasure that the monsters are protecting might get destroyed by the power of the attacks.

"Seems like I will have to lure them out using a different method," Evan said to himself when the monsters didn't come out even after feeling his presence and looked at Gobu, who was standing beside him.

Seeing Evan looking at him, Gobu took a step forward, and Eldritch Energy started to seep out of his body.

"Madness Induction," He said in a chilling voice, and the Eldritch Energy rushed inside the cave. (f)

---) Madness Induction: Merely being in your presence for extended periods can drive weaker people to madness due to the sheer otherworldly nature of your Eldritch Energy.

ROAR! ROAR! - - -

As the Eldritch Energy rushed inside the cave, Evan heard the roars of the monsters who were in the cave.

Looking at the Eldritch Energy rushing into the cave, Evan thought about the time when he had used Shadow Resurrection on the Goblin King, and it evolved into the Eldritch Goblin.

'According to the information that I received at that time, the only place where you can find Eldritch Goblins in Utopia is the Tomb Of The Ancient,' He said to himself and narrowed his eyes.

Other than the current habitat of the Eldritch Goblin, Evan also received information about their origin when the Goblin King evolved.

---) Origin Of The Eldritch Goblins: Eldritch Goblins are a mysterious and formidable breed of goblins that have been profoundly influenced by eldritch energies and otherworldly forces. Eldritch Goblins typically inhabit areas close to ancient, unstable portals or sites where the boundaries between dimensions are thin. These unstable portals often leak unstable energies, exposure to these energies has warped normal goblins' bodies and minds, granting them supernatural abilities that allowed them to break through their Racial Limit.

'Since there are Eldritch Goblins inside the Tomb Of The Ancient, there's a very high chance that there is a rift connected to a place filled with Eldritch Energy and the boundary of the dimension in that area is very thin...' Evan thought inwardly and decided to stay away from a place like that. He doesn't know why, but just thinking about a place filled with Eldritch Energy gave him a bad feeling.


While Evan was thinking about the Eldritch Goblins, the roars of the monsters inside the cave grew louder. Around fifteen minutes later, the roars of the monsters coming from the cave were filled with complete madness.

"Get ready, they are about to come out..." Evan warned the shadow undeads of Team Red and backed away. đ’‡đ“»đ’†đ’†đ”€đ’†đ“«đ™Łđ“žđ™«đ’†đ’.đ“Źđ“žđ“¶

Upon hearing Evan's warning, Albelu, Brown, Wind and Lightning sheep, and other shadow undeads standing outside the cave prepared their attacks.


Suddenly, the ground started to shake, and the shadow undeads heard the sound of heavy footsteps approaching them.

"Looks like they can't handle the madness brought by Eldritch Energy any longer," Evan remarked lightly as he heard the footsteps.

"Bombard them with attacks as soon as they come out..." He shouted loudly, looking at the entrance of the cave.

In just a few seconds, all the shadow undeads could clearly hear the sound of footsteps and sensed that the monsters were about to emerge from the cave.

The leader of Team Red, Adam, was standing in front of the group with a focused look on his face.

"Attack!" Suddenly, Adam shouted in a loud voice and increased the gravity in front of the cave to a completely different level. The moment Adam increased the gravity, the mid level monster that was inside the cave rushed out. The monster that rushed out was a giant ten meters long lizard with deep brown skin. The light yellow eyes of the lizard were filled with madness, indicating that it was under the effect of the Madness Induction skill.

As soon as the lizard rushed out, it was affected by the sudden change in gravity that halted its movement for a second. Simultaneously, all the shadow undeads, including Brown, Albelu, Gobu, Wind and Lightning sheep, launched their attacks the moment the lizard was stopped by Adam's gravity manipulation skill.

If the mid level lizard had been in its right mind, it might have had a chance to resist the thousands of attacks launched by the shadow undeads.

However, due to the Madness Induction skill, the lizard's mind was in complete disarray and it couldn't react in time. The lizard was struck by the onslaught of attacks from the shadow undeads and roared in pain.

The ground in hundreds of kilometres of the area was completely ravaged by the attacks of the shadow undeads and the lizard's body was blasted into smithereens. If not for the three beginner-level Wind and Lightning sheep who protected the cave using their skills, even the cave would have been completely destroyed by the shockwave.

Evan didn't expect that the mid level monster would not even try to protect itself from attacks due to the Madness Induction skill so he was completely taken aback when he saw the body of the lizard was blasted into smithereens.

The area in front of the cave flashed with different kinds of light due to the attacks launched by the shadow undeads, and in less than a second, the body of the lizard turned into blood mist from the bombardment of attacks, disappearing from existence, leaving behind only a small fist-sized monster core.

This content is taken from đŸđ—żđžđžđ˜„đžđ—Żđ§đ—Œđ˜ƒđžđ—č.đ—°đ—ŒđŠ

