Necromancer Of The Shadows - C.1021 A Shard Of Realm Glyphs And Conflict (Part 3)

Necromancer Of The Shadows

C.1021 A Shard Of Realm Glyphs And Conflict (Part 3)

Around ten thousand kilometres away from Magmara Kingdom, a large mountain range known as the Black Mountain Range was located. This range was called the Black Mountain Range because it was shrouded in thick black demonic miasma 24/7.

At the entrance of the Black Mountain, five elves were camping, roasting a demonic goat to make their lunch.

Among the five elves, the strongest was at the peak of Rank Three, while the other four were either Rank One or Rank Two.

"Commander, do you think we will be able to find the culprit? I mean, I don't think the Bloodmoon Auction House will willingly give us information about the person who provided them Life Water. They have the backing of the Bloodmoon Empire, so we can't even use force to obtain information," A mid-level Rank Two elf with light green hair asked with a frown.

The peak Rank Three elf, whom the mid-level Rank Two elf addressed as Commander remained silent upon hearing him.

"What do you mean they won't give us information about the person who provided them with Life Water for this auction? Life Water is a precious resource of the elves, and only the Tree of Life can produce it," A Peak Rank One elf who was roasting the demonic goat said with a sneer. "It's obvious that the person who provided the Life Water for this auction somehow stole it. Even the Bloodmoon Auction House won't try to protect a thief, right?"

"I don't know if they will try to protect him or not, but normally, big auction houses like the Bloodmoon Auction House wouldn't give the information of their clients to others because it would damage their reputation," The peak Rank Two elf said with a shake of his head and sighed.

"Who cares about their damn reputation. According to the information they released, they are going to auction off around half a litre of Life Water. The Tree of Life produces only a litre of Life Water every year, and someone somehow got half a litre," The Peak Rank One Core Evolver who spoke earlier said coldly.

"It must be the work of someone from inside, so we have to find out the information about the person who provided the Life Water if we don't want this to happen again in the future."

"I don't think it's the work of someone from the inside. The people who can approach the Tree of Life are all high officials, and I don't think they would be daring enough to sell the Life Water to someone else," Another elf who was at the peak of Rank Two spoke when he heard the Peak Rank One elf.

"You don't un—"

"That's enough..." The Peak Rank One elf was about to say something but was stopped by their commander, Lavel, who was at the peak of Rank Three.

"Our main task is to retrieve the Life Water. Getting information about the person who provided it for auction is secondary. If we get the information, that's good, but if not, then there is no need to worry about it. We just need to bring back the Life Water, and the high officials will take care of the rest."

Hearing Lavel, all the elves turned silent and didn't dare to say anything.

Lavel looked at the four elves and sighed inwardly. Honestly, similar to the peak Rank One elf, he also thought that the person who provided the Life Water for auction was someone from the inside.

'Even if it's true and it is the work of someone from the inside, it's not like people like us can do anything about it...' Lavel thought and shook his head.

He knew very well that he and his companions were just a low-level task force and if they tried to interfere in the work of powerful individuals, they would just invite trouble for themselves.

After seeing the crowd that came to the Magmara Kingdom for this auction, Lavel already knew that it would be nearly impossible for them to get their hands on the Life Water.

Even though they brought a large sum of essence stones, many high-level people came to buy the Life Water, so he didn't have much hope of getting it.

The only reason he even decided to go to the auction was to show that they tried to get the Life Water but failed because other people bid a higher amount than them.

'I hope at the end of everything, we will be able to go back to Elvenshine in one piece...' Lavel thought, looking at the black mountain range behind him.

As he gazed at the mountain range, he suddenly felt something and turned his head to look ahead. The other four elves also sensed something and turned their heads.

Upon turning, they saw someone flying towards them at rapid speed.

'Mid-level Rank Two...' Feeling the aura of the person flying towards them, Lavel relaxed because a mid-level Rank Two person was no threat to his team.

A few seconds later, a gentle-looking elf with shoulder-length black hair tied in a ponytail landed some distance away from them.

Lavel and the others were surprised to see that the person was actually an elf, but they didn't care much about it. It was quite common to see elves in the Gehenna Empire as many came to visit.

Evan also noticed Lavel and the others while he was in the air and, like them, he also didn't care about their presence.

He was here to try something in the black mountain range shrouded in black demonic miasma, so after landing, he ignored the five elves and walked towards the entrance of the black mountain range.

"Hmph... Why is this guy acting all haughty? Since we are from the same empire, he should have at least greeted us," The peak Rank One elf who was roasting the goat said in a dissatisfied voice when Evan didn't even glance at them after landing.

The other four elves ignored the rank one elf's grumbling and waited for the goat to cook.

Just when the demonic goat was about to be cooked and the peak Rank One elf couldn't stop drooling, a black golden light flashed around the goat, and it disappeared without leaving any traces.

"What?" Lavel and the others were stunned when their demonic goat suddenly disappeared, and all five of them stood up.

The peak Rank One elf, who had been almost drooling quickly came back to his senses and his eyes immediately went towards Evan, who had suddenly increased his moving speed.

"Hey you, stop right there!"

