Necromancer Of The Shadows - C.1018 How Is This Possible? (Part 2)

Necromancer Of The Shadows

C.1018 How Is This Possible? (Part 2)

"That's..." Searoth was shocked when he saw the object Anastasia took out from her storage ring.

Seeing Searoth's reaction, a hidden smile appeared on Anastasia's face.

'Looks like it won't be difficult to convince him,' She thought and threw the object she had taken out towards him.

Searoth caught the small iron token that Anastasia threw towards him with trembling hands and gulped down his saliva.

"This... Is it real?" He looked at the iron token for a while before shifting his gaze towards Anastasia.

"What do you think?" Anastasia didn't answer Searoth's question directly but instead asked him with a smile on her face.

Evan also looked at the iron token Searoth was holding, but he did not find anything special about it. To him, the iron token looked like a shabby piece of junk, so he couldn't understand why the Rank Five demon in front of him was so shocked.

"But... But, how is this possible? Master already died thousands of years ago. How can there be his aura on this iron token?" Searoth was in complete shock and he muttered in a trembling voice.

'Master's aura?' Evan raised an eyebrow when he heard Searoth and suddenly, something clicked in his mind.

'Earlier, Anastasia told me we were going to meet the apprentice of the blacksmith she knew...' He thought inwardly and glanced at the iron token. 'Could it be that this iron token belonged to that blacksmith?'

Evan was at least ninety percent sure that his guess was right. The reason he wasn't one hundred percent sure was because of what Searoth had just said.

'His master died thousands of years ago.'

Anastasia had told him that Searoth's master was somewhere far away and they couldn't meet him for the time being. Although he didn't know where he was, from Anastasia's words, he could at least confirm that he was at least alive, so he had some doubts about whether the master Searoth was speaking of was the same one Anastasia had told him about.

As he was thinking about all these things, Evan's eyes suddenly widened because he thought of another possibility.

'Don't tell me...' He looked at Anastasia and gulped down his saliva. 'Don't tell me Azroth was the one who killed his master thousands of years ago, then turned him into a Shadow Undead, and now he is in the Shadow Realm.'

Anastasia had told him that there were many powerful individuals in the Shadow Realm, so he was now one hundred percent sure that the reason Anastasia had said they couldn't meet Searoth's master for the time being was because he was in the Shadow Realm.

'She is not going to tell him that Azroth turned his honourable master into an undead, right?' Evan thought inwardly while gulping down his saliva, hoping Anastasia wouldn't do something stupid as he did not want to be chased around by a mid-level Rank Five lava demon.

Luckily, Anastasia had no intention of revealing Valtair's condition for the time being and just gave Searoth a vague answer.

"I can't tell you much because Valtair himself asked me not to reveal anything about his situation for the time being. But I can assure you that he is still alive, and in fact, he was the one who told me about this place."

Searoth was once again shocked when he heard Anastasia say that Valtair was still alive.

'Other than me, only Master knew about this place, so it also explains how they found this place...' The lava demon thought while looking at the token. 'Moreover, the aura on this token is not old. From its intensity, I can tell that this aura was infused in this token just a few hours ago, so the chances of Master still being alive are certainly very high.'

Seeing the thoughtful look on Searoth's face, Anastasia nodded her head inwardly as she knew the person in front of her was just a step away from taking her bait.

The iron token she gave Searoth was actually something she had asked her essence clone to send to her.

Valtair was in the Shadow Realm, so she asked her essence clone to let him infuse some of his aura into the token and send it to her.

The skill that she used to receive the token from her essence clone was somewhat similar to the combination of Evan's shadow storage and shadow clone.

Just like how the shadow storage of Evan's clone is connected with his original self, the shadow of Anastasia's clone is also the same.

Though, unlike Evan who doesn't need to use any energy to transfer things from the shadow storage of his clone to his own shadow storage, Anastasia has to use energy depending on the distance between her essence clone and her original self... And since her essence clone was in the Primordial Shadow Realm, she had to use around thirty percent of her energy just to get this token. If, instead of this small token, she had asked for something big or a higher-level item, she would have had to use even more energy.

'Although I didn't tell him the entire truth, it is not like I am deceiving Searoth. Once master successfully integrates the Shadow Realm with his core, this poor guy will naturally be able to meet Valtair who will explain everything to him...' Anastasia thought to herself and waited for Searoth to speak.

After looking at the token in his hands and thinking about everything for a few minutes, Searoth finally raised his head and looked at Anastasia.

"There must be a reason Master sent you here, right?" He asked with a serious look on his face.

Hearing Searoth, Anastasia nodded her head and looked at Evan.

Seeing Anastasia looking at him, Evan took out the golden scales of the mid-level Rank Six dragon and placed them in front of the lava demon.

"These are..." Searoth raised an eyebrow when he saw the golden scales and immediately recognized they were not normal scales.

He picked up one of the scales and his eyes widened in shock.

"Scales of a mid-level Rank Six dragon..." He muttered in a low voice, looking at Evan with his eyes wide open, wondering how a mid-level Rank Two core evolver could have the scales of a Rank Six dragon.

But when he remembered Evan came with Anastasia, he felt it wasn't surprising that he had the scales of a Rank Six dragon, after all, it wasn't difficult for Anastasia to take out the scales of a Rank Six dragon.

He took a few deep breaths to calm down and asked after a moment.

"What do you want me to do with these scales?"

Three hours later...

"Do you think he will accept?" Evan asked as he and Anastasia left the valley where the hidden cave was located.

"I am not sure, but we will find out in a few days when we come to pick up the armour..." Anastasia said with a shake of her head, and both of them flew back towards the Magmara Kingdom.

