Necromancer Of The Shadows - C.1006 I Know A Loan Shark

Necromancer Of The Shadows

C.1006 I Know A Loan Shark

Sylvan, Alaric, Cedar, and others present in the Central Hall looked at Evan in confusion, not understanding why he was laughing.

Only Anastasia rolled her eyes when she heard Evan's laughter as she was well aware of the identity of the Light Dragon who caused all the commotion.

'To think he would revive that guy to sow disorder among the demons and dragons...' Anastasia sighed at Azroth's antics, feeling helpless. She thought he was the only one who could throw Utopia into chaos like this.

'Before it was the Eternal Night event and now this...' She glanced sideways at Evan and felt happy that at least his current personality was different and he didn't think about destruction and chaos all the time.

"Why are you laughing?" Sylvan asked with a weird look on his face.

Alaric had already told him about Evan's real identity, explaining that he was not the son of the Shadow Monarch but the Shadow Monarch himself. fđ«eewe𝚋noveđ—č.𝗰o𝚖

Sylvan was stunned when Alaric told him everything, but like any sane person, he didn't believe the fox's words.

Alaric was irritated when Sylvan didn't believe him, so he chose the method that always works when you need to convince people.

Yes, he beat Sylvan into a pulp until he believed him and started to scream that Evan was the Shadow Monarch.

Although his method was rough, Alaric didn't feel guilty about beating his old friend. In fact, he enjoyed it, as it had been a long time since he had the chance to do so.

'Pity he believed my words after just a few minutes of violence; otherwise...' Alaric thought while looking at Sylvan with a look of dissatisfaction on his face.

Sylvan, who had just asked Evan why he was laughing suddenly felt a chill run down his spine and noticed Alaric looking at him with dissatisfaction as if irritated that he didn't satisfy him.

(A/N: *Cough why does it sound so wrong)

'This bastard... He must be thinking about beating me once again...' Sylvan thought with a grim look on his face when he noticed Alaric's expression and wanted to cry.

He felt his luck had been very bad recently. First, he nearly got his ass spanked by Anastasia, then the Tomb collapsed and the news about Carla came out, and now his cheap friend wanted to beat him for no reason.

'I swear I will cut off one of his tails after knocking him out with strong alcohol,' Sylvan thought and started to form a plan to take revenge against the foxy bastard.

Back to the topic, Evan stopped laughing when he heard Sylvan's question and said with a grin on his face.

"If you are thinking about that void goblin and that cheap demon monarch, then you don't have to because they won't be coming back anytime soon," Evan said in a light voice. He knew both of them would eventually come out of the Tomb, but it would definitely take quite some time.

The reason Evan believed Baphomet and Eldrakar would be able to come out was because of the way Azroth acted in the Tomb.

In Evan's opinion, if Azroth wanted to, he could have killed Eldrakar and Baphomet in the Tomb without much trouble, especially after he stopped time using his Temporal Pause authority.

But Azroth didn't kill them; instead, he threw them into the void space, which means he must have had another objective.

Although Evan wasn't sure what Azroth wanted to do, he had a feeling that he just wanted to trap them for some time to stir trouble between the Dragons and Demons.

"Void Goblin and Cheap Demon Monarch?" Sylvan and the others were taken aback when they heard Evan. Only Anastasia nodded, agreeing with Evan's choice to call Eldrakar a void goblin instead of a void dragon.

"Why are you so sure that both of them won't be appearing anytime soon?" Ashley asked with a frown on her face not understanding where Evan was getting his confidence.

Evan smiled when he heard Ashley and said something that shocked everyone.

"I am sure because both of them are currently trapped in the collapsed Tomb of the Ancient, and it would be impossible for them to come out anytime soon."

"What?" Hearing Evan, Sylvan and the others exclaimed simultaneously and looked at him with shocked expressions.

'So it was really the work of those two bastards...' Anastasia's eyes narrowed dangerously when she heard Evan.

After seeing the actions of the light dragon, she had already guessed that the trouble Evan had encountered in the Tomb, which forced him to use his authority Realm Guardian must be somehow related to demons and dragons. At first, It was just a guess, but now it was a certainty.

'I was thinking about ignoring that void goblin since I don't really care about the past, but it seems he really wants to die...' Anastasia thought inwardly as some plans started to form in her mind.

"What do you mean by they are trapped in the collapsed Tomb?" Alaric asked in a serious voice. If what Evan said was true, he would have to make some plans to benefit from this war.

"I won't go into details since it's complicated, but I can tell you that the Tomb collapsed because of those two idiots, and now they are trapped there for an indefinite amount of time."

Sylvan and Alaric looked at each other upon hearing Evan. Although they wanted to know how those two got trapped in the Tomb, they didn't ask because being able to trap two peak Rank Six Core Evolvers was not a small matter, and it must be Evan's secret.

Instead of thinking about these useless things, both Sylvan and Alaric were currently considering how they could take advantage of this situation.

"By the way, we came here because Cedar successfully found a World Core Plant in the Tomb..." Evan suddenly said and Sylvan's body stiffened.

Cedar didn't wait for Sylvan to say anything and took out the white-coloured plant from his storage ring, making the room fall completely silent.

Evan smiled slightly when he saw Sylvan's shocked face and asked with a chuckle.

"So... do you have an alchemist to process this thing? If not, I know a loan shark who can help you."

