Gacha Addict in a Matriarchal World - C.79: The Elvesā€™ Common Sense Of Persistence (4)

Gacha Addict in a Matriarchal World

C.79: The Elvesā€™ Common Sense Of Persistence (4)

ā€œWill you marry me?ā€

Be my political sacrifice (X)

Come on, give it to me! (O)

After chewing over the jumbled translator output, I grinned broadly.

ā€œBut I donā€™t want to?ā€


Eve, momentarily unable to comprehend what she had heard, made a foolish noise.

But it didnā€™t take long for her to understand what I had said, and her complexion quickly turned pale.

ā€œWhy, why not?!ā€

ā€œWhy not, you ask? Wellā€¦ā€

ā€œAlthough I am a former queen, I was a queen nonetheless. I simply didnā€™t feel the need, but if I wish, I can reclaim the throne anytime.ā€

ā€œI can also gain power whenever I want, you know? Since Iā€™m kind of like a saint.ā€

ā€œThen, then what about money? I havenā€™t made much due to my lack of skills, but the other elves arenā€™t like me. If I ask, they will all generously donate their gold.ā€

ā€œThat might be true. But I wonder if the Temple has collected more money than all the elves of the Continent?ā€


ā€œMore than anything, Iā€™m not a materialist who marries for moneyā€¦ Itā€™s a bit sad if thatā€™s how you see me, Miss Eve.ā€

ā€œNo, not at all! I swear to the World Tree, Iā€™ve never thought that!ā€

ā€œHmm. Well, letā€™s assume thatā€™s the case. But still, itā€™s clear that itā€™s not a reason for me to marry you, Miss Eve.ā€

ā€œThat isā€¦ā€

Eve chews her lips and eventually closes her eyes tightly and shouts.

ā€œThen what about my appearance?! I know itā€™s quite something to say this myself, but I am confident that I possess exceptional beauty and physique even among the elves.ā€

ā€œWowā€¦after money, itā€™s appearance. You do realize that what I said earlier applies here too? Just as Iā€™m not someone who marries for money, Iā€™m also not someone who marries for looks alone.ā€


Having lost her words, Eve bowed her head deeply.

Of course, if appearance was a major consideration, Eve would certainly be welcomed anytimeā€¦but not yet. Thereā€™s also the matter of order.

Eveā€™s is merely third placeā€¦!

Muttering to myself, I look up at Eve, who couldnā€™t bring herself to raise her head.

Her face was marred by shame and self-loathing. At this, one corner of my mouth curled up into a smirk.

ā€œPerhaps, as Miss Eve says, I might be your destiny. Itā€™s possible that you wonā€™t meet another man besides me. ā€¦But isnā€™t that your own circumstance?ā€


ā€œOf course, your situation is unfortunate, Miss Eve. However, I shouldnā€™t have to devote my life to you just out of sympathy. I have my own goals and circumstances too.ā€


Yes. Eve, true to her forever-single ways, did get carried away with the mood and made a rash move, but by now she should have realized.

That she proposed to me simply because she was caught up in the momentā€¦! fɾeeweɓnŃ³veÉ­.com

Well. To be honest, Iā€™m not feeling bad about it. In the continent of Pan, where gender roles are reversed, a womanā€™s appearance does hold value, though itā€™s not extraordinarily highā€¦but at least itā€™s a major matter to me.

Thereā€™s no way Iā€™d refuse when a woman like Eve says sheā€™s the only one for me and offers everything from money to power if I marry her.

However, as I mentioned earlier, I have a purpose to address the dark foreshadowing Iā€™ve scattered across this world.

And if possible, Iā€™d like to meet the Goddess of Love in the deepest part of the Labyrinth.

Now that Iā€™ve just begun to tackle the first floor, I canā€™t be tied down to Eve.

This doesnā€™t mean Eve would be restraining me. But whether we become king and queen and reclaim power, or retire and live as symbolic figures, itā€™s clear that my journey would end there.

No matter how diminished the presence of a queen in the elf society became, or how the influence of the World Tree wanes, surely no one would expect a king or queenā€™s consort to be frequently visiting the Labyrinth.

For that reason, I decide to dissuade Eve from her plan here. If Iā€™m not careful, I might even push her towards corruption myself, so I should leave some room for maneuver.

I reached out and grasped Eveā€™s face.


The soft touch of her cheeks. Though her face is slim without baby fat, the skin itself is just soft.

Startled, Eve cautiously opens her eyes. Though to say she opens them, itā€™s more like her normally squinted eyes just became less so.

In that state, I adjusted the angle slightly to make her look directly into my eyes.

ā€œMiss Eve. Donā€™t look away, please look at me.ā€

ā€œI, I amā€¦ā€

ā€œI know, I know. Youā€™ve been very lonely, havenā€™t you? The circumstances must have driven you to this.ā€

ā€œYou understand?ā€

ā€œOf course. The World Tree entered eternal rest for the future of the elves, and amidst the despair of the surviving elves, Miss Eve had to overcome this bleak situation as the queen arranged by the World Tree. It must have been tough for Miss Eve, being young at that time.ā€

ā€œThatā€™s rightā€¦ I was born with many gifts, but not with experience.ā€

But now that I have gained experience, I have no weaknesses (X)

Could it be that even someone like me can be forgivenā€¦? (O)

Hmm. The fact that the Eve translator has started working again means thereā€™s room for other thoughts.

In other words, it means she has somewhat recovered from the state of her mental breakdown.

While gently stroking Eveā€™s cheek, I continued speaking.

ā€œBearing the fate of an entire race alone is no easy task. Seeing the truth isnā€™t always a good thing eitherā€¦ Above all, the greatest sorrow for Miss Eve must have been having no one to share that pain with.ā€

ā€œā€¦Itā€™s okay. A queen must be a dignified being, after all.ā€

The understanding is appreciated, but pity soon becomes an insult (X)

This man. Will he understand my tastes even in bed? (O)

Do you really only have nonsense in your head, Eeveeā€¦ freeweɓnovel.cĆøm

Itā€™s truly lamentable, but having endured for a thousand years, I thought it possible, and gently pulled on Eveā€™s hair, which she had been wrapping around herself.

Her head slowly drops. But as it bends to the angle where the neck can no longer bend, she stoops and bends her knees to adjust to me. I didnā€™t stop there but continued to pull Eve towards me.

The view that was once higher than mine soon became similar to mine, and now it has lowered even more.

The posture that symbolized the dignity of a queen was now bent, and her knees were already kneeling on the ground.

Earlier, I was looking up, but now, Eve is the one looking up, and I smiled faintly at this change.

ā€œI understand why you are obsessed with me, Miss Eve. But it canā€™t be.ā€

ā€œThen am I supposed to live like this forever? Not knowing when this long life will endā€¦?ā€

If only I had lived without knowing hopeā€¦ (X)

Should I just close my eyes and kidnap him? (O)

Oh, the world.

Just maybe. Itā€™s just a hypothesis, butā€¦

Could it be that Eve turned evil because she was rejected by the protagonist after being too clingy?

Itā€™s like if I canā€™t have it, I might as well destroy it.

She ruled the country wisely in her own way, and now lives a good life adhering to the classical elven lifestyle, but I wondered if Eve would really turn evil just because she was rejectedā€¦

Seeing the content of the translator, I now think it might actually be possible.

As if hiding my astonishment, I grabbed Eveā€™s head and hugged her tightly.

Eveā€™s face buried in my chest. I gently stroked her trembling light green hair, an unexpected event for her.

Like comforting a child who has caused trouble.

Eveā€™s trembling slowly subsided. Only after she had completely calmed down did I continue in a low voice.

ā€œNo. That wonā€™t happen. I wonā€™t let it.ā€


Eve startled, as if my statement was a contradiction of what I had said before.

This is sincere. I canā€™t live just for Eve, but it doesnā€™t change the fact that Eve is someone I need to embrace.

Even if she has lived nearly 50 times the age of my current and past life combinedā€¦no, this elderā€¦um. Anyway, even for a long-lived species, that part doesnā€™t change.

Eve is my child.

With that sentiment, I tightened the arm that was embracing Eveā€™s head slightly.

ā€œItā€™s not that I dislike Miss Eve. Itā€™s simply that I canā€™t marry Miss Eve right now.ā€

ā€œDoes that mean it will be different later?ā€

ā€œOf course. By then, Iā€™ll be an adult, wonā€™t I?ā€

ā€œAhā€¦ You are so mature that I didnā€™t pay attention to your age, Sir Jonah.ā€

Indeed. Marrying a minor would attract societal criticism, so I must endure it (X)

The grooming angle is sharp (O)

I decided to give Eve, who had started to spin her delusions alone again, a dose of reality.

ā€œAnd there are other people besides Miss Eve.ā€

ā€œO, ther people? What does that meanā€¦ā€

Stop NTR!(X)


I brought my lips close to the elongated ears of the helpless lewd elf.

ā€œThereā€™s another woman Iā€™ve promised to marry. And Miss Eve might not be the last.ā€


Eve, perhaps now grasping the situation, gasped.

I whispered into her ear with a voice full of unrestrained mischief that I couldnā€™t quite hide.

ā€œSorry. My lower half is a bit busy.ā€


Oops! I meant to just soothe herā€¦!

Eve reacted so honestly that I ended up saying it without thinking.

