Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's Power - C.259


A level 495 Metal Warrior stands over 5 meters tall, made completely out of the shards that cover the dungeon's floor.

Its only active item is a bonded core, so my first assumption is that this monster is similar to the rock golems we faced not too long ago.

If that core is destroyed, it will most likely just re-form until the mana within it completely disperses.

As it runs closer, a white light starts to shine from its chest and I activate my All-Seeing Eye.

Sure enough, it's the core. My guess is spot on.

The growing light of Arie's bow begins to match the luminosity of the core covered in metal fragments that charges toward us.

I ready my blade but know my teammate is getting ready to take the shot, so I wait. Arie is powerful enough to take this monster on alone, I'm sure of it.

Once less than 10 meters away, the glimmering white arrow flies forward at the metal creature.

Surprisingly, there is no mana barrier at all around the Warrior's Frame. It only keeps a protective layer around its core. The creature uses scraps from the dungeon to re-form its body, so there's no need to conserve anything else.

The twanging sound that two magnets make when they collide rings in my ears as Arie's spirit arrow makes contact with the white glowing core of the charging beast.

It cracks open and expels an enormous amount of energy, sending scrap metal flying in all directions.

I grit my teeth and throw up a barrier of pink mana to block the debris.

The bonded core of the mutant golem we faced before was only defeated once its MP was completely expanded.

The readings I'm picking up after this first blast are impressive, it looks like that may happen soon.

The core of this Warrior is already carrying a 3rd less mana than it did moments ago.

Arie fires off a second shot without wavering for a second. The crisp arrow glides into the white ball of energy that skill comes charging our way at an alarming rate.

Metallic sounds echo through my eardrums again. Another wave of intense energy shakes the ground, shooting more shrapnel our way.

Fractions of a second later, the archer fires off a third and final shot.

This time around, the core completely explodes with it. The heat from the blast melts a large amount of the floating metal as it flies in the air.

Lydia and Fisher put up walls of ice and water. My shielding is already raised. I watch Arie start to glow light white, similar to his arrow's color, but surrounding his entire upper body.

He still turns his back to the blast. However, as the shards of metal come rocketing toward his never-heavy armor, they slow down and stop before hitting him directly.

The pieces of glimmering black ore fall to the ground and bounce off in other directions just like the mana barrier of a combat magic user.

The remains of the metal monster fall to our feet in a wave of debris, but they all sink back into the floor within seconds.

The Dunegon falls silent again, only allowing for the sound of our feet scraping on metal to be the sole sound filling our minds while powering down the shielding. 𝗳r𝐞𝐞w𝐞bn𝚘ve𝚕.co𝐦

Fisher turns with his arms crossed.

"Three shots, not bad. Not bad at all!"

Lydia walks over next, nodding with a smile.

"Three shots, and you put up a solid Tier 1 mana shielding. I could sense it from here. With no elemental skill either, that's pretty impressive."

The archer stands up straight with a look of satisfaction as he eyes his open status.

"Yeah, that was my first time trying it out."

The fractured core of the Metal Warrior rolls to our feet, then starts to dissolve.

Not even a mana crystal is left behind. All of the pure energy from this monster just floats into the air and returns back to the Labyrinth.

Arie speaks up again, looking out into the dungeon.

"I'd like to test this new shielding ability out a bit more. I think I'll be able to master it, given a few hours guarding this Dunegon."

I nod, finally speaking up.

"Great, you'll guard the 23rd floor."

My eyes dart along the horizon in front of us, and I see another Metal Warrior forming about 100 meters away.

Lydia speaks, turning her gaze from the newly forming monster back to the archer.

"They never hunt in groups. Two at a time is the most I've ever seen from these Metal Warriors. You're more than capable enough to guard this gate. Master that shielding in the time being, then help us out once this floor collapses. I'm sure you can take on the 24th too."

Arie gives her a firm nod. The Ice mage turns back to me and Fisher.

"Let's head out, we don't have much time."

Fisher runs forward at the metal monster as Arie begins to walk back toward the exit gate.

I watch crescents of blue light come from the water welder's sword as he takes the Warrior out in two shots. A dazzling explosion of silver and white light follows.

We venture off into the dungeon and continue to defeat about a dozen of these odd creatures on our way to the boss room.

Fisher does most of the hunting, but I attempt to defeat a few as well.

By one-shooting them with a half-powered strike, or draining their MP dry with plunderer, they seem to just dissolve into thin air dropping no items of mana crystals no matter how many of them we kill.

Lydia makes a comment on this as we approach the far side of the dungeon.

"There's never been any drops with these Metal Warriors, unfortunately. Good levels though."

Fisher jumps into the conversation as the spinning grey Boss room comes into full view.

"They sure are! I gained 3 levels in the last 30 minutes! That's more than I've gained in months."

He smirks, still glowing blue.

"Come on, let's face this Boss!"

We all jump through the grey boss room portal that ominously spins on the flat ground of this empty black-floor dungeon.

White transfer magic brings us to a room with a layout I was not expecting to see.

The floor feels the same as the one we just left, the only difference is the fragments of material are as white as snow.

I look up to see the sky...

It's completely black.

The Boss room is very disorienting.

I blink a few times while looking around and kicking up some of the white fragments on the floor.

It feels Like the ground and sky have been completely flipped.

Metal scraping on metal still scratches at my ears as we all take a few steps forward, but the ominous dark void above us makes me want to look away and stare down at the ground out of instinct.

As I do, the white metal shards begin to rumble and vibrate, just like in the Dunegon outside when a Warrior forms.

Lydia's voice hits my ears from the right side, and I sense Fisher powering up his long blue sword on my left.

"Get ready, it's a mutant. I've never seen a Warrior's Boss room quite like this."

The shards of white metal start to float away from me as I look up to watch them all form into a massive ball.

It's like a wave of white water is sucking the floor out from under us.

We jump in the air, using elemental magic to hover and stand our ground.

The white ball contrasting against the black horizon shapes into a humanoid Warrior with a long sharp white sword.

It's the exact opposite of the monsters that form in the dungeon, and it feels at least twice as strong.

The creature's chest glows bright with 3 cores. Two of which shine with normal pure white mana, while the center core pulses jet-black. Dark swirling mana-imbued energy leaks out of it, exuding great power similar to the Blue Ogre I recently faced.

The magnificent metal creature stands over 7 meters tall. It forms a constantly shifting pair of eyes and a jagged mouth to let out a metallic roar.


[Lv. 525]

Active Items:

[Ranked-Up Metal Warrior Core][Bonded]

[Metal Warrior Core][Bonded]

[Metal Warrior Core][Bonded]

Active Skills: [NONE]


I grip my sword and activate my stat-boosting skills as I read its status.

This is a Ranked-Up Metal Warrior.

