Daddy! Come Home for Dinner! - C.549 - : What’s wrong with your brain?

Daddy! Come Home for Dinner!

C.549 - : What’s wrong with your brain?

Chapter 549: Chapter 549: What’s wrong with your brain?

Making it taste good isn’t easy, let alone with just salt.

Just thinking about that taste is enough to make anyone want to puke.

Looks like the folks from Pingla Academy don’t have anything special.

They’re not as grand as they’re made out to be.

That’s what Blake Walker was thinking when he saw people from Pingla Academy individually pulling out various herbs and spices from their bags.

Not just them, even Larry Bennett, Yellen Brooks, and Natalie Campbell had some!

Everyone’s bag contained fresh spices.

Blake Walker was unsettled, he got up abruptly and walked towards them.

“Why are there so many spices in your bags?” Blake Walker asked in shock.

He also looked closely and observed that many of the spices they had were duplicates.

“Were these already in your bags?” Blake Walker questioned, “This is so unfair from the Competition! Why giveit to you and not me?”

“Of course it’s not from the compeition.” Leon Hernandez rolled his eyes, “We found these ourselves along the way.”

“Haha! You could at least try to make your lies believable!” Blake Walker clearly didn’t buy it, “Where in the wilderness would you find ready-made spices?”

“And besides, these spices all require different growing conditions, yet they’re all growing together here? In such variety? What’s the point of supermarkets then? You might as well encourage everyone to pick things in the wild!”

Blake Walker was both annoyed and amused.

Do they think he’s a fool? freewёbnoν

“The competition couldn’t have only prepared these spices for you and not for me, right?” Blake Walker said coldly, “Are they planning to eliminate me?”

The audience watched this scene clearly.

“Oh my god! Just eliminate this fool, I can’t stand him anymore.”

“With this level of intelligence, he really shouldn’t be in public places anymore.”

Aiden Huxley responded bluntly: “You were the one who didn’t listen to Cindy Clarke’s analysis before, assuming she was just trying to waste your time, and you ran off without hearing the key information. Who’s to blame for that?”

Over at Cynthia Florine’s side, she had already gotten her fire ready. She casually advised Blake Walker: “I advise you to stop blaming the competition.”

Currently, for the sake of maintaining the fairness of the competition, the competition wouldn’t do anything to him.

But once the competition is over, it’s hard to say what would happen to his career.

As everyone knows, Adrian Zhekova can be quite petty.

Those under his command follow his lead daily.

They’re not very broad-minded either.

“You were the one who couldn’t be bothered to listen to Cindy’s words, even interrupting her.” Cynthia Florine mocked, “How unfortunate, because after you left, Cindy continued to share her insights with us, explaining that this wilderness is artificial and was manufactured by the competition.”

“I think, in order to ensure our safety and to prevent us from lacking resources and having nothing but a pitiful amount of salt for our ingredients, the competition had planted many fruits and spices along the way.” Bartholomew Bailey chimed in, “As long as we observe carefully, these things are practically everywhere.”

“Otherwise, do you think there would be a stray lamb in the wild? A wild lamb?” Parker Honi raised his chin, pointing at the lamb leg that Blake Walker was roasting on a fire not too far away, “If this really is the wild, and suddenly there’s a lamb walking around, it must belong to someone. Right?”

“And you slaughtered it without giving it a second thought, how is that different from stealing?” Parker Honi scoffed, “Knowing there’s an owner and you’d still kill their lamb, your moral character is problematic!”

“Hahaha!” Aiden Huxley gave a thumbs up, “Parker, when did you become so discerning? Your words make you sound intelligent!”

“You might as well shut up.” Ava Brown looked frustrated, “Watch out, or Parker might beat you up after the competition.”

“I…” Now, Blake Walker was in a difficult position.

Well… he admitted he hadn’t thought much before.

Ignoring Blake Walker, Parker Honi turned to speak to Aiden Huxley: “This guy isn’t very bright.”

Aiden Huxley looked at Blake Walker with sympathy.

To be called unintelligent by a fool, you must be really unfortunate.

Parker Honi: “…”

Blake Walker: “…”

What kind of look is that!

“If you don’t believe us, you can check the internet replays after the competition.” Cindy Clarke suggested, “You’ll see that the competition did not give us anything extra. The competition gave everyone the same stuff, there were no special provisions for anyone, or anything specifically left out for you.”

“There’s no need to rush to make accusations right now. After you watch the replay and if things are indeed as you suspect, then you can confront the competition. After all, the speed at which news spreads on the internet is rapid. If you were really treated unfairly, the internet crowd will certainly support you.” Cindy Clarke advised.

Blake Walker was in a tough spot, but he was gradually beginning to believe their words.

It was his fault for not listening to Cindy Clarke’s entire explanation, which led him to miss out on key information.

Cindy Clarke’s comment provided him with an exit strategy.

Blake Walker silently returned to his fire rack.

He couldn’t help but think back to the start of the competition.

Back then, Cindy Clarke was speaking at length without getting to the point, which eroded his patience.

Now he finally understood.

Cindy did it on purpose.

She deliberately gave a lengthy explanation without getting down to the brass tacks.

Knowing perfectly well he had objections towards her, she purposely dragged out her explanation, letting his impatience and anger rise.

She wanted him to assume she had some ulterior motive.

Because of that, he left early, and consequently missed out on critical pieces of information.

Seeing everyone else pull out an array of rich spices,

While he only had a bottle of salt.

How could he possibly stand a chance of winning in this situation?

Cindy Clarke, you’re really something else, incredibly cunning!

Everyone else was practically worshipping Cindy Clarke.

Duly eliminating an undesirable competitor, while also winning everyone else’s affections.

She truly killed two birds with one stone.

Blake Walker glanced at Cindy Clarke hatefully.

These people saw Cindy Clarke as a good person, expressing their gratitude towards her.

But they don’t realize that his fate would be theirs too.

Let’s not forget that they’re also competitors.

For the next round of the competition, Cindy Clarke will also aim to eliminate them!

Thanking their own competitor?

They must be out of their minds!

By this time, night had already fallen, thanks to everyone lighting fires, the area was well lit.

Cindy Clarke had arranged the dry pine branches and leaves she had gathered, and used the matches from her bag to start her fire.

Then, she directly threw in the chicken she had already wrapped beforehand.

Because she didn’t need to set up additional support or check for angles to prevent the branch support from collapsing,

All those would have taken up a lot of time.

But for Cindy, all she needed to do was throw her ingredients in.

As a result, Cindy was actually the first one to be ready.

Observing this, Ava Brown asked: “Are you roasting Beggar’s Chicken?”

Cindy Clarke nodded, “I thought it’d be quite suitable, and it really matches with this wilderness theme.”

“Gosh, how did you come up with that?” Yellen Brooks asked admiringly, “You’re too quick. I didn’t think of that at all. Plus, this way the heat is evenly distributed. We need to constantly rotate and adjust our fires.”

