Chaos Devourer System - C.91 Testing Out The Power of The New Upgrade

Chaos Devourer System

C.91 Testing Out The Power of The New Upgrade

This chapt𝓮r is updat𝒆d by (f)reew𝒆b(n)ov𝒆

91 Testing Out The Power of The New Upgrade

Zeras sat there in shock as his own hands stretched out of his will and something unbelievable happened.

His white hand suddenly began morphing and he watched as it slowly "melted" and took the shape of a long white-colored blade.

"What...what is this..." slowly stretched out his left hand as he felt the white blade his right hand morphed into and he sat there shocked speechless.

It was real and hard as metal, just like a true blade

"Just how is this possible???"

Transforming part of his body into the shape of a non-living object. The explanation of the ability finally dawned on him.

Zeras slowly moved his left hand towards the blades tip as he slid it across and a perfect line appeared in his hands causing blood to flow out from him although the cut immediately closed up in the next second due to his regeneration.

"It's also very sharp..." Zeras muttered.

[Host should try sending his Mana into the blade] The system notification appeared as Zeras raised an eyebrow before activating his Biomorph ability causing Qj to flow out of his Mana core and circulated through his body.

Zeras directed the Mana into his right hand which was now a blade as the edges if the blade suddenly flowtup with a milky white light.

Zeras looked at the Milky glow, a little surprised but he didn't sense anything else with it but he ignored that as he placed the blade on his hands.

As the milky white light came in contact with Zeras skin, a cut immediately appeared on it even though the blade had yet to even come in contact with his skin.

A cycle of regeneration and destruction appeared on Zeras hand as the cuts rapidly closes up and soon cut open once again.

Just what damage will be done if he swung the blade at someone's neck with full force.

A notification soon appeared in front of him:

[Mana Core Energy: 50/70]

"So fast?" Zeras muttered to himself as he quickly cancelled the ability causing the blade to revert back to his normal hand.

"At least I now have a presentable genetic ability." Zeras muttered.

He wouldn't have known what to do if someone asked him to reveal his genetic ability as he couldn't reveal he could shapeshift into others due to his Absolute Morph Gene nor could he reveal his Chaos Devouring gene. But now if anyone ask of his ability, he could simply change his hands into a blade and say that was his genetic ability. "Now let's check out the power of this new ability..."

Zeras muttered as he slowly head over to the table and took out his VR helmet.

Moving back to his sofa, he laid down on it as he slowly wore the helmet in his head before pressing the button at its side.

Zeras felt the same shoving force again as if his soul was being pulled out of him but he was able to ignore it this time due to familiarity.

"Main Menu..."

Zeras muttered to the space as series of holographic images appeared in front of him:

∆Main Menu∆


|Player Name: Erebus|

|Rankings: 161|

|Number of defeats: 0|

|Number of defeated opponents: 0|

|Number of completed missions:1|

∆EIA gods Battle New Cadets Rankings ∆

1.) Blood Devil

2.) Reaper.

3.) Scythan.

4.) Titan

5.) Lynx

6.) Unchained.

7.) Might King

8.) The limitless One

-- -- -- 155.) Telekin.

156.) Tomahawk

158.) Simbar

159) Mutade

160.) Domane

161) Erebus Zeras looked at the long list surprised Quinn only managed to rank 8th on the rankings, though he ranked second on the New Cadets rankings.

He immediately clicked on the person on the 5th ranking, Lynx, but a notification appeared.

{You can only challenge those who are ten ranks above you}

"Tch, it seems I have to really start from the buttom." Zeras muttered as he choosed to challenge the person on the 154 rankings.

[Challenge request sent.]

{Challenge accepted.} 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝘦𝘸𝑒𝒷𝘯𝘰𝓿𝑒𝓁.𝒸ℴ𝑚

{Do you wish to record this challenge to ensure others could watch the Video?} "No..."

{You opponent, Earthely, is now choosing your battle topography.}


{You will now be sent to the battle stage in 3.2.1...}

Zeras felt himself being transported to another place and opening his eyes, he could see he had been transported away frimth white space.

In front of him was an endless area of nothing but sand and cracked earth which extended as far as his eyes could see.

Zeras looked forward as he saw a burly young man with dirty brown air who was dressed in a brown colored Kimono and about 2 meters tall.

{Battle begins in 3.2.1...Go}

Even though it said the battle could begin,.the boy didn't move a single inch from where he stood, causing Zeras to raise an eyebrow.

"You are only ranked 161 and you dare challenge I who is at rank 154. Even if the system permitted challenging those who are ten ranks above you, you are too arrogant and probably stupid to think you can defeat..."

"You talk too much..." Zeras said as he suddenly disappeared from where he stood.

A punch tore through the air with horrifying speed as it appeared instantly in front of Earthely whose eyes widened in shock as he quickly clapped his hand.


Zeras Punch slammed on a wall made of earth as it was immediately blown apart in the next second before slamming on Earthely's nose as his body was immediately blown away slamming on the ground continuously before coming to a stop.

"An Earth control genetic ability? Impressive." The voice of Zeras rang out from the distance as he dusted off the sand from his hands before walking towards the distance Earthely.

"How?" Shock appeared on Earthely's face as he looked at the distant figure of Zeras who was slowly closing on him in confusion.

His Earth wall was blown away without lasting a single second and he was also sent flying all just from a single punch.

"Taking me by sneak attack? I hate trash people like you who fight dirty..." Earthely said gritting his teeth as he suddenly placed both hands on the ground and the earth flowed like water before enveloping his entire hands.

Zeras raised an eyebrow looking at what he just did as he noticed the might emanating from Earthely's hands suddenly increasing.

"Let's see you sneak attack me again this time..." Earthely roared as he immediately ran towards Zeras with pretty impressive speed.

"Sneak attack?" A smirk appeared on Zeras face as he also pressed off the ground and their fist immediately collided together...



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