Chaos Devourer System - C.75 Zera’s Elimination?Mar 22, 2024

Chaos Devourer System

C.75 Zera’s Elimination?Mar 22, 2024

75 Zera's Elimination?


The ten people and two teams blasted forward with immense speed as they immediately entered into the Meteor Showering region, Zera's team quickly following behind Draggy's back.

stretched out his hands as he caused the flaming meteors to increase in velocity. The group watched as the flaming meteor crashed one of the members.

-- -- --

"Good one, Meteorite. With one of them successfully eliminated, then it leaves us to four." The group leader, Laser, said causing a devilish evil smirk to appear on Meteorite's face.

Their group immediately exited the Meteor Shower Region as they appeared in the Dark Hole region.

A dark vortex appeared in front of them as it slowly created a suction force that caused the group to feel themselves getting slowly dragged toward the vortex.

"Move away..." The alarming voice of Laser rang out as the group quickly moved out of the way of the Vortex. Stooping to take a look at the vortex about ten meters away, they saw the suction force grow incredibly powerful as time went by but after ten seconds the vortex slowly faded away.

Realization immediately dawned on the group...

"The Vortex opens randomly and erratically through this space. But you should be able to avoid getting sucked in if you noticed it at its first appearance and immediately move away. So far you move away after five seconds before the suction force gets stronger, then you're safe in this region..." Laser said as the group quickly moved through the region moving fast away from the vortex once they appeared.

Meteorite moved around the place as he was doing fairly well in avoiding the vortex.

Another vortex suddenly materialized in front of him, but as he tried bending to the side to avoid the vortex, a beam of energy suddenly slammed on him, entering his body as his jaws dropped to the ground.

His felt like it weighed a million pounds rendering him completely helpless as sweat poured down his face from trying his best to move away but his movements were incredibly slow...

The Vortex in front of him slowly started getting stronger as the suction force grew powerful and dragged him towards it.

Meteorite clenched his tightly as he forcefully moved his body with every ounce of Mana within him causing him to break through the force as his body became light once again...


A triumphant smile appeared on his face as he immediately turned and ran but he was shocked when he saw himself floating in the air with his legs moving to and fro In the air. He didn't move a single inch forward and was slowly getting dragged backward...

"No, no, no, no..." Meteorite screamed out his lungs as he was sucked into the vortex completely powerless but at the last second, he looked towards the other group as he saw the boy he thought he already crushed down pointing his finger towards him no doubt the one that cast the genetic ability that made him heavy.

"I swear by Mamamiya, if I catch you, I'll strangle you to death...Haaaaa" A bone-chilling scream erupted from his mouth as he soon disappeared within the vortex unable to complete his words...

"Now, that's what I call, Wok In The Dog... Hahaha..." Quinn burst into laughter as a satisfied expression appeared on Heavy's face. He finally killed the bastard who almost got him killed. Alas, It was the best feeling in the world.

"Meteorite....." The other group screamed out as they watched one of their group get eliminated.

The groups clenched their teeth furiously as flames almost burst out of their eyes...

"Ignore them, for now. There will be more than enough time to deal with them later..." Laser said as the group continued moving forward quickly exiting the Dark Hole Area and jumping on the ropes, quickly climbing up the tower.

"Good one, Heavy..." Draggy, the team leader said extremely happy as they passed through the dark vortex region. Having watched a scapegoat of the other group, they were able to quickly get past the Vortex and appear before the gigantic tower in front of them.

"Hey, limitless... Can you teleport to the top of the tower and grab the stone..." Draggy asked as he noticed Limitless was able to save Heavy that time by teleporting. If he could directly teleport to the Tower's head. He could pick the void stone and that'll be counted as their win...

"That's impossible... I can't teleport that far away..." Quinn said as he shook his head continuously.

"Then we have no choice but to climb as fast as we can..." Draggy said as the group looked at the abyss a foot away from them and the tower with the ropes about 2 meters away.

"Jump..." Draggy yelled as they all jumped and tightly held the ropes but at the same time, Laser, the team leader of the second group also yelled out:

"Now, Telekin..."

One of the guys in the group who had strange purple hair and eyes suddenly stretched out his hands as he targeted one of the ropes where a tall individual of about 1.9 meters tall and red crimson hair and eyes was about to hold onto...

Zeras jumped after Draggy's notification as his hands inched closer to the rope in front of him.

His hands were about to tightly hold the rope when suddenly the rope shifted away as if sentient causing Zeras to grab at nothing.

"What the?" Zeras screamed out as he tightly held on to the tower but its surface was incredibly smooth and he soon disappeared into the abyss below...

"Number 5..." The group screamed out as they watched Zeras disappear into the abyss and soon fade from their view.

Their gaze immediately turned towards the boy whose power seemed to be some type of telekinesis as he was able to move the rope to the side a little, just enough to make Zeras fall into the abyss.

"Keep going. There's nothing we can do..." Draggy yelled out to the rest of them as the group took one last look at the abyss where Zeras fell in before quickly dragging themselves upwards.

Quinn's eyebrow furrowed together as he thought to himself...

'It'll be strange if you get eliminated so easily, Zeras..." He also didn't waste time as he rapidly pulled himself upwards. freew(e)bnovel.(c)om

Now, the group appeared to be a 4 Vs 4.

Golden Tickets and Powerstones are greatly appreciated. Don't forget to comment your opinion.


This content is taken from (f)reewe(b)novel.𝗰𝗼𝐦

