Chaos Devourer System - C.323: The Envoy Arrives..

Chaos Devourer System

C.323: The Envoy Arrives..

Chapter 323: The Envoy Arrives…

The Envoy Arrives…

Now in Zera’s hand was a snoring figure and immediately, he flung him away into the distance, his back slamming on the shadow wall before sliding down, like a flowing mucus from glass.

“De-activate Hollow Domain…”

Zeras ordered before sitting down on the ground, he simply looked into the distance, or at least that was what he seemed to be doing if anyone saw him.

In front of Zera’s eyes was a golden-colored Notification only he could see and in it…

[Congratulations, Main Quest Completed]

[Defeat the Devil Lord Demorgon from the Nishgiri clan of devils…]


1.) +15,000 EXP

2.)+2 Ability Upgrade Card

3.) +1 Level Up Card]

“System Interface” Zeras ordered and immediately the panel once again changed a flurry of notification appearing in his line of sight.

[Congratulations, Host has killed a Titan at the middle Meteor Rank Stage]

[Rewards; +1700 EXP]

[Congratulations, Host has killed a Titan at the Late Meteor Rank Stage]

[Rewards: +2000EXP]

[Congratulations, Host has killed a Titan at the Middle Meteor Rank stage]

[Reward: +1500 Exp]

[System Interface]

[Name: Zeras Celestria]

[Class: Halfling]

[Class Authority: Absolute Chaotic]

[Level: 18]

[Mana Cultivation Stage: Early Meteor Rank Stage]

[HP: 120/400]

[EXP: 32,000/50,000]

[Energy: 900/10,000]

[Mana Core Energy: 300/300]


[Strength: 140]

[Agility: 140]

[Perception: 100]

[Intelligence: 50]

[Charm: 15]

{Attributes points:0}

[Does Host wish to use Level Up Card…]


[Congratulations, Host has leveled up to level 19]

[System Interface]

[Name: Zeras Celestria]

[Class: Halfling]

[Class Authority: Absolute Chaotic]

[Level: 19]

[Mana Cultivation Stage: Early Meteor Rank Stage]

[HP: 120/400]

[EXP: 32,000/50,000]

[Energy: 900/10,000]

[Mana Core Energy: 300/300]

[+15 Attributes Points obtained]

[Does the Host wish to distribute Attribute points]

“Add 10 attribute points to Intelligence and 5 attribute points to Charm…” Zeras ordered.

[Congratulations, Points successfully added]


[Strength: 140]

[Agility: 140]

[Perception: 100]

[Intelligence: 60]

[Charm: 20]

{Attributes points:0}

“Good. Just one more level up and I’ll reach level 20…” Zeras mused, a small grin lining his lips when suddenly his gaze snapped upwards looking into the distance where a flaming object could be seen rapidly moving towards their direction but he didn’t move a single muscle.

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The ground caved in as the flaming meteor landed on the ground, a shower of flames splashing through the entire place, covering both Asmodeus and Zera’s bodies.

Finally from the pothole, a red-haired middle-aged man could be seen slowly exiting as he looked at Asmodeus, who was radiating smoke from his body while Zeras simply sat down and looked at him with a plain expression.

And immediately he directed his attention to the middle-aged man’s uniform which revealed his position as an Envoy of the Mutant Organisation, he patted his butt as he slowly walked away.


And Zeras paused in his steps.

“Are you the one that stopped him?” The man asked as Zeras slowly turned his head and looked at him from up to down.

“Do you see anyone around?” He asked with a raised eyebrow before walking off.

“I’ll be expecting the reward that was promised as soon as possible and also it will be better to check on them before they all die off…” Zeras said pointing to where Seere’s body was and the place where Aura collapsed.

And by the time the Envoy looked at them and turned back his gaze to Zeras, he was strangely already gone…

“Is that Kain Vudrof?” He wondered to himself as he picked Asmodeus’s body up to his shoulder and immediately grabbed hold of Seere’s and Aura’s unconscious body before speeding off into the distance.

As for the dead body of Banzan, he didn’t give it a second look before going. To him, he was just another victim of the mission, and the dead of the Mutant Organisation were no longer worthy of attention.

— — —


A grunt of pain could be heard from one of the rooms on top of the Skyscrapers as a young man lay on the bed, his chest rising and falling in a strange rhythm.

If one could look at his body, one would notice the hundreds of slash marks on his body, each deep enough to see through his entire body.

His heart could be seen jumping up and down from the report wound on his chest as he let out an occasional groan of pain from his lips.

“Tch, what a hassle…” Zeras said through clenched teeth as he felt the condition of his own body.

7 fractured ribs, three ruptured organs, a broken pelvis, ruptured upper body muscles, and broken joints.

He didn’t come out unscathed from the battle between him and Demorgon and suffered grievous wounds too. Having to use so many transformations all at once brought a great toll on his body and now his entire body was almost useless.

And without much energy, his Regeneration was as slow as that of a snail.

“Tch, their so-called rewards better be worth it…” Zeras mused to himself as he closed his eyes, his conscionable rapidly being devoured by the darkness.

— — —

In the Mutant Organisation…

“Hmm, Asmodeus lost control. That’s strange….” The voice could be heard from the other side of the phone

“Losing control like that can only be due to the Devil Lord forcefully overtaking his body. We’ll learn of the reason why soon…” The voice continued before getting interrupted.

“Asmodeus’s loss of control resulted in a total of 59 students losing their lives and the death of Elite students and also life-threatening injuries to the life of the other dark families geniuses. How do your Demorgogon family intend to pay for this…” The red-haired figure sitting down at the top of the dais said, his thick voice rumbling through the entire wall.

“State what you want, we’ll cover it. But nothing must happen to Asmodeus…” The other voice replied before the call went off.


The entire structure shifted around uncontrollably as if it was about to collapse due to the sudden release of killing intent.s

“Demorgon family!!! Don’t test my patience…” The voice filled with a crazy amount of killing intent rang through the entire hall.

But it soon dispersed as the hall door slowly opened up and a figure entered into it.

“The one who managed to stop Demorgon has been confirmed and it is truly Kain Vudrof. He is currently the number on the death count ranking and an elite ranker too. Also, we have noticed he had not fused with any gene yet and still retained his Cultivation, yet he was able to go toe to toe judging from the remnants of the battle that went off.

When we checked his history, we discovered he was just an ordinary one that we found in the testing labs on Planet Earth. His sudden anomaly began from the test on Planet Dyama.

The information about his potential doesn’t match his current strength that is being shown…” The white-haired man who came in said to him.

“Hmmmm, Kain Vudrof, huh?” The red-haired young man asked from the top of the dais.

“Yes. Basehead…”

“Give me his history report and then send him to me. I want to meet with him…” The young man said with a serious expression as the white-haired man gave a bow before heading out.

“The EIA has been catching up to many of our secret bases and wiping them out. We have lost almost 50 secret bases of ours now. There’s no doubt there’s a spy among us. And now we have one who is still practicing the Mana Cultivation Method and not yet fused with the Mutant gene yet could stop an out-of-control Supernal? How can no one have discovered such a relation since all this while? I better be wrong or else…” The young man said, the mirage of a sea of blood appearing over his head, showing a killing intent so thick it formed a mirage of a bloody sea…

— — —




The sound of the vibrating device entered his ear as his blue eyes snapped open.

Slowly sitting up from the bed he lay on, he directed his attention toward the card device as he read the notification on it.

|System Notification…|

|Mission Has ended…|

|You’re advised to arrive at the location on the map in 24 hours|

And immediately the notification disappeared replaced by a map with green and red lights.

Zeras looked at his entire body and noticed the entire wound covering his body had all healed completely and looking at his energy bar, it was at a full level.

“System, for how long have I been out…” He asked with furrowed eyebrows.

[According to estimate, it has been 7 days…]

The system notice panel appeared as Zeras finally relaxed his eyebrows. He could already feel there was something wrong somewhere like the mission ending so early but guessed it was due to it already having been a week.

And immediately he jumped off the bed as he wore back his uniform. The ground beneath his feet suddenly began shattering to pieces as Zeras began walking forward towards the glass of the skyscraper before…


The entire skyscraper tilted to the side as the air was violently blown apart, shards of glass shooting out in different directions and a figure disappeared into the distance at a speed faster than Mach 5.

