Chaos Devourer System - C.312: A New Way To Use Hollow Domain

Chaos Devourer System

C.312: A New Way To Use Hollow Domain

Chapter 312: A New Way To Use Hollow Domain

A gigantic ball of shadow congregated across the place, swallowing a big chunk of the surrounding space and preventing anyone from seeing what was going on within.

Within the domain…


Brain juice and blood splashed like a waterfall as the gigantic body of the titan fell with a plop.

“Another one down” the voice of a young man echoed throughout the place, which could be said to be hell as a small pool of blood already gathered on the floor of the throne room, hundreds of titan corpses packed within.





Four inhumane roar blasted throughout the place as a titan ran with speed moving with speed towards the young man, who slowly raised both of his hands and clapped.

[-400 energy]





Blood and brain matter splashed through the place once again as the four titans fell to the ground with a plop.

Yet, it was a forever unending circle as another group of Titans were already running towards him. But none of them ever reached half the distance where Zeras was before they had their brain exploding to mush.

A crazy idea appeared in Zera’s head when he thought of the best way to kill as many Titans as possible. His astral titan morph was very powerful but it was too brutish and exhausted a lot of stamina.

His absolute morph gene also falls in the same criteria as it also requires getting physical with his opponent, and its major advantage was its ability to adapt to any and all situations in battle.

His other large-scale attacks includes using the ancient god finger which could no doubt reduce miles into nothing. It was no doubt very powerful and also a large-scale attack but against the endless tides of titans, it was only a matter of time before he fell on his knees to the crazy amount of energy.

So he was left with one last thing and that was his hollow domain. It was the perfect and also quick way to kill, but it was disadvantageous in the sense that it wasn’t very big. It would only trap in a total of ten titans at best. Then he would have to undo it, then gather more titans to himself before using it one more time.

It was too time inefficient and undoing his domain every minute us also incredibly tiring.

That was when the idea popped into his head.

Since he was supreme within his domain and could almost do anything so far he could imagine it, then why not infinitely expand the domain, to let the domain spread for miles and cover all the titans? That way he could be able to get them all to be inside our domain and killing them then would be as simple as breathing.

It was a crazy idea and the one he never thought he would need since all the fights he uses with his domain are always one-on-one fights.

But now, it was the most perfect in the situation and Zeras gave it a try. As for the result, they weren’t disappointing, while he was truly unable to spread it infinitely, he was able to spread it so much that it encompassed almost five hundred titans.

And that created the small hellish places in his domain, now it looked more like a devilish domain, and the Titans felled like flies.

Of course, the energy expedition was crazy, but he could manage it due to his currently high amount of energy and also that he was able to crazily devour the dead titan’s life essence.

But there were also somethings that were some strange things too, even though Zeras knew well he should be growing weaker, he was feeling the exact opposite.

His heart was pumping crazily every time blood splashed into the air, and Zeras could swear it was the most beautiful sight in the world.

There was a strange aroma in the air that greatly pleased him and cleared his fatigue away and right then, his right hand stretched forward and he narrowed his eyes to points as an object bloomed to life almost instantly.

A ball gently burning In his palms. It was none other than the chaos ball.

‘But how, how can I control so easily.’ Zeras mused in shock as the ball was flung towards the tides of titans running towards him.


A devastating explosion rocked through the entire place as a gigantic hole was ripped through the tides of Titans, the chaos ball ripping through everything in its path. And immediately another one was hurled and then another and then another.

Blood filled the entire domain.

Corpse pile like a mountain.

“More, I want more…”




It was like he had run mad as Zeras began flinging Chaos balls at the tides of Titan ripping through them like a hot knife through butter.


Yet it wasn’t enough at all, he wanted more, his blood craved fro more.


A devilish roar blasted out of Zera’s mouth as the dark vortex in his left eye began revolving with horrifying speed.



The ground beneath Zeras feets caved in as he exploded ofrth with ruinous power.

Clenching his fists tightly, his body suddenly crumbled together mid-air before he exploded with horrific power blasting out with a full-powered punch.


Devastating shockwaves rippled throughout the entire place as a pillar of dark energy blasted out of Zeras feet Immediately blasting a gigantic hole into the stomach area of the Titans closest to the place, but it wasn’t done yet as the beam of energy kept moving toward, tearing through a total of 4 other Titans behind it before coming to a stop.

In shock, Zeras looked at his own fist as his mouth widened in shock,


A gigantic hand blasted from above towards Zeras, slamming on with apocalyptical power, yet Zeras didn’t move an inch as he raised both hands upward.


The ground beneath his feet caved in, as he was dug into the ground for a full meter.


Blood splashed out of Zera’s mouth from the collision yet, his hands holding the huge fist never quivered as his left hand morphed in a sharp blade and then.


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The Titan’s hands was chopped off from his fist and then a smooth lined appeared on his face as it was torn into two, its gigantic body falling to the ground

Zeras gently landed on the ground going still for a few seconds, before suddenly a smile bloomed on his face.

“Now I understand…”

