Blacksmith of the Apocalypse - ChapterĀ 1135. On the Streets-Lunacy And Madness

Blacksmith of the Apocalypse

ChapterĀ 1135. On the Streets-Lunacy And Madness

ā€œHaha! The Alliance leader slew the beast!ā€ ā€œThe Snake is gone!!ā€ ā€œOnce the leader is here, he will squash those ships with a flick of his wrist!ā€ Cheers could be heard above the city. it was a wave that propagated through the crowd of cultivators after some saw the victory of the immortal.

Despite defending themselves against a deadly hail of artillery, the swarm of cultivators took the time to cheer and curse at their enemies, when they heard the banging in the barrier. In the distance, they could see the spires of ice blooming with every attack of their leader.

Dumm Ting also felt like the plan was getting back on track. The alliance had some casualties, but nothing he cared for, or that could disrupt the plans. He was confident that once Yoma Ma entered the city, it would be stomped in a single step.

After all, what was a puny barrier to an immortal? It could buy them time at best. And after the Pythian village was flattened and the arena ravaged, there would be nothing stopping them from looting Little Gamma!

Motivated, he finally decided to join the fray. With the tainted spiritual energy coursing through his body like a raging cyclone, the martial artist jumped down, to help the attack on the ranged units that had hampered their attack so far.

He fell like a rock, landing in a cloud of wood splinter, as he shattered the roof he landed on. before the dust settled, his massive fist, clad in spiritual energy and fist aura crashed into the next-best opponent. The resistance was surprising, as the weight of the man he targeted far surpassed what he expected.

With a satisfying crunch, his torso gave way. But instead of blowing the shooter off the roof, he just tumbled back several steps and fell on his ass. Only up close, did he realize that not all of them were covered in elaborate armor, but many were covered in a layer of metal scales. What kind of armor was that? It seemed fused to their bodies...

Suddenly, all of their eyes were on him. he suddenly had a foreboding hunch. it didn't feel like he was looked at by enemies. he knew the gazes of anger and hatred, these looks were empty. Hostile, but empty. There were no emotions, just the determination to kill.

The most shocking part was when the guy he had just beaten down, simply started standing up again. His chest was completely caved in from his earlier punch but he rose from the ground as if he was fine. Accompanied by the sounds of resetting bones, his chest even started slowly bulging back out again!

ā€œJust what are you...ā€ he mumbled just when he realized what they were! Golems! The terrible puppets of Minas Mar. He had seen some during the games. They were existences similar to the monster puppets one of the participants used in the tournament

Tough opponents, but if they were similar to the monster puppets, then they could be broken! With unwavering mania, Dumm Ting was ready to start his personal rooftop battle against the creatures of Minas Mar, however-

ā€œBack off, he is mine,ā€ a thunderous voice commanded the golem and a small figure fell from the sky. They were barely the height of his knee in his current form. A diabolical grin appeared on his face. Despite the new silvery armor, shield, and axe, he recognized the midget he had tortured in the first round.

His fight with the dwarf had forced him to reveal his cards early on, ruining his plan. But the memory still made him happy. It unshackled his restraints and continuously allowed him to gain experience and finally advance in the control of his energy. He wasn't able to kill the midget back then, but now he had the chance to repeat the scenario and bring it all to a glorious end.

ā€œWhat a welcome reunion. For you to be my first kill once again, how symbolic,ā€ he commented, observing the dwarf. The only change he could make out was the equipment. His vertically challenged victim was now clad in a full suit of silver armor, fitted to his stature.

ā€œThings will be different this time,ā€ the dwarf's voice rumbled. Seeing the unwavering conviction in the other's eyes, his smile vanished. He instinctively felt that this wasn't the same one he had destroyed a few days ago.


<Ding! You have been affected by <Encroachment of Lunacy>. Your Conviction has risen.>

Polter could feel it excessively clear. There should have been doubt in his mind. Just a few days ago this man had brutally tortured him to death. The memory was still vivid, He had not changed. There was no way the him now could take him down.

There should have been doubt, but there wasn't. Just an unreasonable conviction. He had to do this and there was no way around it. He was thankful to Caleb for what he did, but it just soothed an itch he had to scratch himself.

His fist clenched tightly onto the poleaxe and shield Seth had provided him. He was still unsure when Seth asked him to participate. He had hesitated when he saw the equipment the blacksmith had prepared for him, but his mind had cleared once he donned the armor and jewelry.

The dwarf stopped worrying about guilt, about pride, or other people's opinions. There was only one path for him to take. He stepped forward with conviction and the unbending will of a dwarf. Without warning, the poleaxe rushed ahead, stabbing at Dumm Ting's heart.

Despite evading, blood dripped to the ground. He suffered a nasty gash across his chest from the blade of the poleaxe flying by. He had evaded the tip, not the blade. Dimm Ting's eyes glared at him. He sneered, he was finally able to hurt him without difficulty.

The martial artist didn't take this silently and upped his game. With terrifying speed and fist clad in the tainted, evil aura, he started a series of high-speed strikes to tenderize Polter before the main course.

Polter didn't even bother blocking, using the gaps in the attacks to get his own. in He held a shield, but had completely forsaken his defense in favor of offense. The giant fists landed on the silver armor, like meteor strikes.

Yet, when the fists clad in swirls of dark power came in contact with the armor, the aura dissipated. Polter felt the physical impact, but they were unable to deal any great harm to him. Instead, the moonstone gems on the armor shone slightly brighter. It seemed that the cultivator's spiritual armor was close enough to be countered by the same principles.

<Ding! You have been affected by <Encroachment of Lunacy>. Your Conviction has risen.>

Polter could not help the smirk on his lips. The difference was so great, it was exhilarating. The fist that had haunted his dreams was unable to so much as bruise him. The flames of conviction burned even brighter. He wanted to go even further.

<Ding! You have been affected by <Advance of Madness>. Your madness has risen.>

His poleaxe covered in the Flames of Oh bit deep into the hulk, splitting flesh and bone. he could feel the power running through his veins. Seth had roughly explained the effect, but Polter had not expected how it would feel. With glee, he started turning Dumm Ting into a bloody mess.

It was not a one-sided fight. Polter also suffered a lot, but he couldn't even register the damage he took. It didn't matter, it was of no concern to him at this point. in this arena, created by the surrounding golems, he was having his rematch and he was-

The poleaxe in his hand was suddenly grabbed and a punch straight to the face took him off his feet. Looking up, he saw Dumm Ting towering over him once again. His figure made it hard to believe he was alive. The deep cuts and bruises that covered his body, burning in dark flames made it look like he was an undead who just crawled out of a fire pit.

Despite what he looked like, he had just yanked the weapon from Polter's hand and thrown it off the roof. His mind was blank. How did that happen?

ā€œheh, I can read it in your face. It's because you lost control. I just needed to play a little weak and what happened? I was easily able to disarm you!ā€ the cultivator said with a sadistic grin. Despite his condition, he enjoyed berating and belittling Polter.

ā€œI told you how this would end. it doesn't matter how much you try to prevent it, this will end with your death. This ill-fated karma will find its end, once I send you on your way,ā€ he monologued happily.

The source of this cš“øntent is frёeweɓĪ·ovel.coɱ.

No! This couldn't happen. Not again. The dwarf had to admit that he was right. he had lost himself in the power of the armor. he had fought barely using his technique or skills, like a brainless child drunk on power.

Seth had warned him about the effects, but he had underestimated it. But Dumm Ting also made a mistake. He decided to talk giving Polter the chance to regain clarity. he had lost his weapon, but he still had his shield. he was a shield saint, and he knew that there had to be a way.

<Ding! You have been affected by <Encroachment of Lunacy>. Your Conviction has risen.>

Yes, there was always a way.

<Ding! You have been affected by <Advance of Madness>. Your madness has risen.>

