Apocalypse Gachapon - C.964: Taking a gamble

Apocalypse Gachapon

C.964: Taking a gamble

ā€œLiu Zhennghong, Professor Liu, Sister Liuā€¦ā€ Professor He lay weakly on the experiment table. He was naked, and the places where the Death King Tree pierced were brushed with medicine. The wounds there were healing.

Liu Zhenghong, her two assistants, and the Death King Tree, who was much smaller now, stood aside and stared at the wounds.

The source of this cšØntent is freёnovelkiss.com.

ā€œVery good. Healing ability is A+. Record the blood pressure as well as heart rate.ā€

She ignored Professor He and continued to give instructions. She took out silver tools from her case.

Ye Zhongming specially made this.

ā€œSave me, save me, and I will tell you a secret.ā€ Professor He felt fear from the bottom of his soul.

He was a gene expert and knew that many things in this world were more terrifying than death.

Seeing Liu Zhenghong, he knew that Ye Zhongming and her had planned it long in advance. They had even thought about what to do to him.

Although Liu Zhenghong didnā€™t have the bad reputation she did in his last life, she still created gene warriors. Professor He thought about how he would end up as her test product and felt numb.

When he used other living beings as guinea pigs, he heard them scream and cry. The soul-ripping pain, the despair on their faces, and the desire to die. Professor He had lost all his principles and the bottom line now that the tables were turned.

If Liu Zhenghong could let him go, he would do anything.

ā€œSecret?ā€ Liu Zhenghong smiled coldly, but her hands didnā€™t stop, ā€œAre there any secrets in this world? A treasure?ā€

ā€œNo, no, God Hallā€™s research results. The results of our chief!ā€

Liu Zhenghong smiled and showed no interest that Professor He had hoped for.

ā€œDo you know I see God Hallā€™s nature on your body?ā€ Liu Zhenghong said. She injected a bottle of red liquid into him, ā€œWhat, what is that?ā€ He screamed as it was injected into his left kidney.

ā€œYour research is just matching together organs. You donā€™t study how to remove the rejection. You donā€™t study how to make the genes match. You donā€™t study how to create life. You are just spending time studying how to match higher-level lifeforms.ā€

Liu Zhenghong stared at the numbers on the machine. Based on their changes, she injected unknown things into his organs. One of them was a worm-shaped lifeform. She used her mocking tone and spoke to Professor He, who was starting to lose consciousness.

ā€œYou arenā€™t a research lab; you are a store. The only difference from selling milk powder and snacks is that you sell mutated lifeforms.ā€

Liu Zhenghong pulled up his eyelids to see the changes. She then said, ā€œDo you know that I have been wondering if the wheel will reject the lifeforms that you create?ā€

Professor He couldnā€™t retort. He felt really bad and couldnā€™t resist at all.

ā€œOh, you mentioned your chiefā€™s secret. Isnā€™t it just experiments on humans? I know, you donā€™t have to tell me about it.ā€

The moment she said that, one of the markers on the machine changed before calming back down.

ā€œThank you for giving us such a good test subject. Donā€™t worry, Professor, you wonā€™t die. You will exist in another form. Maybe in the near future, you will represent Cloud Peakā€™s highest technological level.ā€

ā€œOf course, you wonā€™t be able to see it.ā€

Before losing consciousness, this was the last thing he heard.


After dealing with Professor He, Cloud Peakā€™s labs had no more dangers. King Kun Ling was free and was sent back to the Secret Realm. Ye Zhongming remained in the Secret Realm and brought Xia Bai, Park Xiuying, and the three-nosed elephant. Sheng Yuan, Kun Ling and Hong Xiang were all here.

ā€œZhongming, why did you call us here?ā€

The few of them were outside the mountain where the Imperial City was in. Hong Xiang saw that Ye Zhongming was very solemn. He didnā€™t look at him like a young kid anymore and treated him as an equal, even someone superior.

At least, Hong Xiang knew that if the two of them fought, he would die.

Ye Zhongming didnā€™t reply. He took out something. This was the third thing he was going to do.

ā€œOne Step Board!ā€

Xia Bai recognized it. She was shocked. Anxiousness flashed on her face.

She didnā€™t want Ye Zhongming to spin the purple equipment they got from the Sharp Peak Mountain auction.

This board went against what Ye Zhongming knew. Although he didnā€™t use it, he often took it out to study.

As Ye Zhongmingā€™s closest person and bodyguard, she knew that Ye Zhongming was helpless against the board.

Ye Zhongming had the Super Elimination Technique. Glory Smith, elite job, Ghost Metal, Earth Elf, etc., were all trump cards. But without the elimination technique, Ye Zhongming would find things tough.

This skill was his golden finger.

However, such an ability was not effective against the One Step Board.

Ye Zhongming could eliminate five options on a level nine wheel before spinning. However, facing this board with only eight options, his technique was restricted.

He could only eliminate two of them.

This wheel had half reward and half punishment. Removing two meant that there were two punishments left.

What were the four punishments? A level eight beast, a curse that absorbed mental energy, a punishment of two extreme environments, and alsoā€¦ All reward explosion!

Removing two meant that you had a one-third chance of getting a punishment. No one could ensure they were lucky enough not to get the punishment.

However, with the level nine expert on his back, he could run if he failed, but he would lose the secret realm. He couldnā€™t accept that. So, he decided to take a risk and spin the wheel.

He wanted to take a gamble.

