A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu - C.1389 - Possibly a Fake Dad (1)


Chapter 1389 Possibly a Fake Dad (1)

Su Jianan was at a loss and had to look at Lu Bo Yan, hoping that Lu Bo Yan could give her an answer.

Though she knew that it wasnā€™t very practical how could Lu Bo Yan know about the person who came to her when she didnā€™t even have a clue?

However, life is full of surprises.

Lu Bo Yan unexpectedly said the name of a person-

ā€œManny Cheung?ā€

Su Jianan was stunned for a moment, her mind then floated to Zhang Manni arrogantly provoking her.

Of the girls she knew with the surname Zhang, it seemed like the only one who could familiarly come here to find her was really Manny Zhang.

Of course, she and Manny Zhang were not close enough to visit each other. ʒrēenovelkiss.com

Manny Zhang came to see her this time, most likely for something.

Su Jianan is still in a state of surprise, Lu Boyan has already made a decision for her, explaining to Uncle Xu, ā€œTell Zhang Manni that Jianan will not see her. Also, notify the property, from today onwards, donā€™t give Zhang Manni any more releases.ā€

Uncle Xu nodded, ā€œOkay, Iā€™ll go now.ā€

Uncle Xu just wanted to go out, Su Jianan called out to him, ā€œUncle Xu, no need, Iā€™ll go down to see her.ā€

Lu Bo Yan frowned and reminded Su Jian An, ā€œZhang Manni came to you for ā€¦ā€¦ā€

ā€œI donā€™t care what sheā€™s after.ā€ Su Jianan interrupted Lu Bo Yan and said calmly, ā€œIā€™ll see her one last time.ā€

There were some things that she needed to make clear to Manny Zhang.

Lu Bo Yan looked at Su Jian An for a moment, but finally nodded and instructed, ā€œIf she is unreasonable, you can just tell her to leave.ā€

Su Jianan tilted her head, a touch of certainty in her smile, and said, ā€œI think that Zhang Manni should not have come to find me this time to be unreasonable.ā€

Manny Zhang had already tasted the consequences of being unreasonable last time she was detained for half a month.

After this incident, Zhang Manni should not be that little girl who thinks highly of herself anymore. She came to find her this time, it should no longer be for the purpose of provoking her, saying that she wants to compete with her for Lu Bo Yan and this kind of ā€œgrandiose wordsā€.

Some truths, though cruel, had been laid out in front of Manny Zhang, and she had to accept them.

Su Jianan went downstairs and saw Zhang Manni sitting on the sofa in the living room, when she came downstairs, Zhang Manni stood up somewhat hastily and greeted her, ā€œMrs. Lu.ā€

Su Jianan was calm on the surface, but in reality, she was so surprised that she was almost speechless.

The last time they met, Zhang Manni had provoked her in various ways, and her attitude towards her was like two people compared to now.

This content is taken from fŠ³eewebnovёl.com.

So it seemed that she had guessed correctly that Manny Zhang must have come to her for something.

ā€œSit down.ā€ Su Jianan didnā€™t move, naturally sitting across from Zhang Manni, and directly asked, ā€œDo you have something to do?ā€

Zhang Manniā€™s eyes turned red for an instant like magic and said in a crying voice, ā€œMrs. Lu, Iā€™ve come to beg you.ā€

Su Jianan was stunned for a moment, then smiled, ā€œMs. Zhang, it seems like thereā€™s nothing I can do to help you.ā€

ā€œNo, there is, and youā€™re the only one who can help me! Mrs. Lu, my uncleā€™s company is about to go bankrupt!ā€ Zhang Manni pounced over and clutched Su Jiananā€™s hand, ā€œThis is all because of what happened last time. I looked for Mr. Lu and wanted to apologize to Mr. Lu, but Mr. Lu wasnā€™t willing to see me at all. Mrs. Lu, can you help me plead with Mr. Lu, please beg Mr. Lu to let my uncle go.ā€

After saying that, Zhang Manni had already cried out, looking somewhat mournful and desolate.

Only then did Su Jianan notice that Zhang Manni was wearing a black dress today, her face was unpowdered and veiled, which led to the originally fashionable and delicate one to become dull and shapeless.

It seems that Lu Bo Yan has not been soft on the He Xuan Group in the slightest.

Seeing Su Jiananā€™s delayed lack of response, Zhang Manni thought that it was because she hadnā€™t persuaded Su Jianan, so she cried even harder and went on to say: ā€Because of the companyā€™s matter, my grandfather has been hospitalized in a hurry. Mrs. Lu, I know that I was wrong about the last time, and I promise that I will never appear in front of you again and wonā€™t cause you any trouble. I beg Mrs. Lu to spare my uncleā€™s company and my grandpa.ā€

Su Jianan couldnā€™t quite understand Zhang Manniā€™s last sentence.

She frowned a bit and reminded, ā€œMs. Zhang, I didnā€™t do anything to you guys, I donā€™t even know your grandfather, this is all your and your uncleā€™s own doing, so you have to figure it out thereā€™s no such thing as me sparing your uncleā€™s company or grandfather.ā€


Zhang Manni looked at Su Jianan with teary eyes, obviously not expecting Su Jianan to say this.

She opened her mouth to argue, but didnā€™t know how to start.

Thinking carefully, what Su Jianan said actually made sense.

So who should she beg to spare the Wo Xuan Group and her grandfather?

Zhang Manni turned to think of Lu Bo Yan, and like grabbing the last straw, she begged bitterly, ā€œMrs. Lu, please help me talk to Mr. Lu, and let me see him one last time, okay?ā€

Su Jianan shook her head lovingly, ā€œItā€™s useless for me to persuade anyone he doesnā€™t want to see.ā€

In fact, it was useful for her to talk some sense into it.

However, she could handle this kind of thing, so there was no need to trouble Lu Bo Yan.

Zhang Manni fell into deep despair and finally couldnā€™t hold herself together and bawled out, ā€œMrs. Lu, I really know Iā€™m wrong. I shouldnā€™t have tried to sabotage the relationship between you and Mr. Lu, and I shouldnā€™t have used such despicable means to count on Mr. Lu. Mrs. Lu, I really know Iā€™m wrong, can you help me talk to Mr. Lu? I just want to apologize to him in person.ā€

ā€œā€¦ā€¦,ā€ Su Jianan said after a moment of silence, ā€œyou go back.ā€

At this instant, Zhang Manni felt as if her last straw had suddenly snapped.

She shook her head and clutched Su Jiananā€™s hand tightly, ā€œMrs. Lu, donā€™t drive me away, please help me, I promise ā€¦ā€¦ I ā€¦ā€¦ā€

By the end of her speech, Manny Zhang was incoherent.

Su Jianan drew two tissues and handed them to Zhang Manni: ā€œIā€™ll talk to Bo Yan, but I donā€™t guarantee heā€™ll listen to me.ā€

As things stood, Manny Zhang had no room for bargaining.

What Su Jianan said, she could only do.

Moreover, with Su Jiananā€™s promise to help, it was possible for Lu Boyan to spare He Xuan Group.

Zhang Manni nodded gratefully and made a gesture to bow to Su Jianan, ā€œMrs. Lu, thank you.ā€

Su Jianan held Zhang Manni, called for Uncle Xu, and said, ā€œUncle Xu, help me send Ms. Zhang away.ā€

After Zhang Manni left, Su Jianan turned around and went upstairs, directly into the study.

Lu Bo Yan was reading an investment document, when he saw Su Jian An come in, he asked without lifting his head, ā€œIs it taken care of?ā€

ā€œWell, Zhang Manni is gone.ā€ Su Jianan paused, seeing that Lu Boyan had no reaction, she asked with some curiosity, ā€œArenā€™t you going to ask me what Zhang Manni is looking for me for?ā€

ā€œI guessed.ā€ Lu Bo Yan said faintly, ā€œShe couldnā€™t see me, so she had to come to the house to find you.ā€

Su Jianan walked over and looked at Lu Bo Yan with a somewhat complicated expression, ā€œZhang Manni said that her grandfather has been sick and hospitalized because of what happened with the He Xuan Group.ā€

Lu Bo Yan closed the file and met Su Jian Anā€™s gaze without slowing down, ā€œYouā€™ve gone soft?ā€

ā€œā€¦ā€¦ ā€œSu Jianan was noncommittal and said somewhat blankly, ā€œI donā€™t know if Iā€™m soft or what, I just donā€™t think ā€¦ā€¦ thereā€™s a need to let an old man suffer after the person who did something wrong.ā€

ā€œā€¦ā€¦ā€ Lu Bo Yan wrapped his hands around his chest and looked at Su Jian An with a good look, ā€œHow do you want me to handle this?ā€

ā€œā€¦ā€¦ ā€œSu Jianan paused for a moment and said tentatively, ā€œAnyway, both Zhang Manni and her uncle have already suffered, or ā€¦ā€¦ letā€™s just forget about it?ā€

In fact, Su Jianan didnā€™t have much confidence that she could talk Lu Bo Yan into changing his mind.

After all, she didnā€™t know if this matter was related to Lu Bo Yanā€™s strategic layout in the mall.

If the answer was yes, well, she wasnā€™t going to bother with it.

However, there are always those few things in life that are unexpected the

Lu Bo Yan raised his eyebrows and said, ā€œOkay, listen to you.ā€

Su Jianan didnā€™t expect Lu Bo Yan to agree so easily, and with a sigh of relief, the smile finally returned to her face.

Lu Bo Yanā€™s expression became a bit helpless and said, ā€œJian An, you can occasionally not be so kind.ā€

Su Jianan pursed her lips, walked over and hugged Lu Bo Yan, looked at him and said, ā€œI just donā€™t want an old man to be implicated by this.ā€

ā€œGood.ā€ Lu Bo Yan helplessly touched Su Jiananā€™s head, ā€œListen to you.ā€

Su Jianan laughed and kissed Lu Bo Yan in high spirits, ā€œIā€™ll go down to see Xiyou and Xiangyi!ā€

The two little ones were playing with the Akita dogs in the living room, and Su Jianan couldnā€™t divert their attention even when she came downstairs.

Su Jianan thought about it, since the two little ones didnā€™t need her, she simply went to prepare lunch, and by the way, she made congee for the two little ones.

When it was almost time for the noon meal, Lu Bo Yan Shan came downstairs and carried the two little ones to the dining room and made them sit on the baby stool.

The adultā€™s meal is not ready yet, but the porridge of the two little ones has been put on the table, Xiyu and Xiangyi stared at the two bowls of porridge with blazing eyes, and Xiangyi excitedly ā€œbabbledā€ and said something, obviously unable to hold back the desire to feast.

Lu Bo Yan took a small spoon and scooped a spoonful of congee, and Xiang Yi immediately cooperated by opening her mouth and looking blearily at Lu Bo Yan.

Lu Bo Yan made a gesture to feed the congee to Xiangyi, however, when the spoon was about to reach Xiangyiā€™s mouth, he suddenly changed direction and ate the mouthful of congee himself.

Xiangyi froze and closed her mouth, blinking her eyes, looking at Lu Boyan not knowing how to react.

The little girl was probably wondering if the man in front of her was a fake dad.

After a while, the little Xiangyi finally reacted to something, aggrieved ā€œwowā€, sat on the baby stool and waved her hand towards Lu Bo Yan, signaling that she wanted congee.

Lu Bo Yan scooped up another spoonful of porridge and repeated his trick to tease Xiang Yi, this time, he directly made the little girl cry-

ā€œWhoa! Mommy!ā€

With this cry, Xiangyi cried aggrieved and shocked, looking in the direction of the kitchen, as if waiting for Su Jianan to appear, so that he could complain to Su Jianan ā€¦ā€¦

