A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu - C.1377 - : ā€œIf you can escape the first day, you canā€™t escape the fifteenth

A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu

C.1377 - : ā€œIf you can escape the first day, you canā€™t escape the fifteenth

Chapter 1377: ā€œIf you can escape the first day, you canā€™t escape the fifteenth.

Ah Guang didnā€™t show off his mystery anymore, and told Xu Yuning the matter one by one-

ā€œThere was still quite a lot going on at the company yesterday, but Seven had to leave work early, saying he didnā€™t feel comfortable with you being alone in the hospital. At that time, the secretary was right next to me, and as soon as Seventh Brother and I left, the secretary made a big deal about it in the group. Sister Yuning, you donā€™t know how many people envy Seventh Brother for caring about you so much.ā€

ā€œā€¦ā€¦ Uh-huh!ā€ Xu Yuning nodded, a light smile on his lips ā€œThis I believe.ā€

Ah Guang continued, ā€œThen someone else in the group said that it was too bad that they didnā€™t even have a chance to fight for such a good man as Seven I think that was the biggest blowout!ā€

ā€œā€¦ā€¦ā€ Xu Yuning really couldnā€™t get the explosive point of Ah Guang and asked in confusion, ā€œWhere is the explosive point of this ā€¦ā€¦? ā€

ā€œHahaha! Thatā€™s something you donā€™t know, right?ā€ Ah Guang smiled thievishly, ā€œSeventh Brother is indeed a good man, but thatā€™s only to you. To others, Seventh Brother isnā€™t even a good man. So, I think the female coworkers in the company have a really deep misunderstanding of Brother Seven!ā€

Ah Guangā€™s back was to the door of the room, and Xu Yuning coincidentally happened to be facing it.

As soon as Ah Guang trailed off, Xu Yuning noticed that Mu Sijun had already stood at the door of the room at some point, his expression deep and inscrutable.

He must have already heard what Kou said.

Xu Yuning mourned for Ah Guang while thinking, ā€œIs there any way to help Ah Guang remedy the situation?ā€

Ah Guang noticed that Xu Yuningā€™s complexion was not quite normal and reached out his hand in front of Xu Yuning, ā€œSister Yuning, whatā€™s wrong with you?ā€

Xu Yuning ā€œcoughedā€, did not say anything, signaling Ah Guang to look back.

Ah Guang subconsciously glanced backward, and Mu Si Jueā€™s figure suddenly caught his eye.

He nearly jumped up in shock and laughed dryly twice, ā€œSeventh Brother, when did you come out?ā€

Intent on scaring Ah Guang, Mu Sijun deliberately said, ā€œItā€™s been a while.ā€

The implication was that he had heard every word of what Ah Guang had said.

Ah Guang shuddered, stiffening and dropping his head back, casting a look of help toward Xu Yuning, ā€œI didnā€™t spit on Seventh Brother just now, did I?ā€

ā€œWell ā€¦ā€¦,ā€ Xu Yuning thought about it, but still gave Ah Guang a comforting look, ā€œItā€™s okay, itā€™s not really trolling. But itā€™s just ā€¦ā€¦ someone who would be upset to hear it.ā€

Ah Guangā€™s heart, which had been comforted only a second ago, had already sunk to the bottom again this second.

A strong sense of crisis came crashing down on all sides, almost drowning Ah Guang.

Ah Guang had an expression that was about to cry, ā€œSister Yuning, is it too late for me to leave now?ā€

Xu Yuning shook his head, signaling that this path would not work, ā€œAh Guang, if you can escape the first day, you canā€™t escape the fifteenth.ā€

ā€œā€¦ā€¦ ā€œAh Guang thought for a moment, quickly relieved, straightened up and said with an air, ā€œThen do not run, I do not believe that the seventh brother will really do anything to me!ā€

ā€œI really donā€™t have much interest in you.ā€ Mousse Sir dismissed Ah Guang, ā€œGo wait for me downstairs.ā€

Is this a sign to leave him alone?

Ah Guang was overjoyed, not daring to waste a word, and disappeared as soon as he got up with a few documents.

In the living room, only Mu Siju and Xu Yuning remained.

In order to adapt to the companyā€™s atmosphere, Mu Sijun wore a fitted white shirt, a straight black suit pants, leather shoes clean and spotless, setting off his whole person in a very spiritual way.

His already good-looking features had become even more heroic.

No wonder young girls are enamored with him.

Xu Yuning looked at Mu Sijue and smiled faintly, ā€œIs what Ah Guang said true?ā€

ā€œReally.ā€ Mu Sijunā€™s words changed, emphasizing, ā€œBut I wonā€™t let those things bother you.ā€

Xu Yuning smiled, ā€œI donā€™t mind, itā€™s quite fun!ā€

Mu Sijiu didnā€™t seem satisfied with Xu Yuningā€™s answer, staring thoughtfully at Xu Yuning, ā€œWhereā€™s the fun?ā€

Xu Yuning suddenly reacted that this should be a serious matter in Mu Sijiuā€™s eyes.

But, she only thought it was funny.

Ah Guang didnā€™t piss off Mushi Duke, but, sheā€™s going to piss off Mushi Duke ā€¦ā€¦

Xu Yuning wisely pushed the wheelchair over before Mu Sijueā€™s anger erupted, pressed Mu Sijue to sit on it, and said, ā€œIā€™ll walk you downstairs.ā€

Ah Guang had long been waiting downstairs, and when he saw Mu Si Jue come down, he naturally opened the car door.

Mu Sijun sat up, lowered the window and looked at Xu Yuning, ā€œGo up.ā€ ʒreeš‘¤ebnĻƒvel.com

ā€œUh-huh.ā€ Xu Yuning waved her hand at Mu Siju, ā€œSee you this afternoon.ā€

Back in the hospital room, Xu Yuning sat down on the sofa and fell into deep thought.

Itā€™s normal for someone to like Mousse.

However, she had to admit that it was completely unexpected for Mousseguy to react like that.

Not only does he reveal that heā€™s married at the meeting, but he also expresses in front of his secretary that heā€™s not comfortable with her being alone in the hospital.

He did it all to let the girls who looked up to him know that he was married and loved his wife.

He wasnā€™t doing it for himself, he was doing it for her.

If it was in the past, Mu Sijiu would never have bothered to do this.

It was for her that he made such a big change.

Thinking of this, Xu Yuningā€™s lips couldnā€™t help but rise slightly, his smile becoming sweeter and sweeter.

Ah Guang was right, to her, Mousseguy was indeed a good man.

As for to other people ā€¦ā€¦ itā€™s not like Mousie would like other people, so he doesnā€™t need to have assumptions about other people!

Xu Yuning turned around aimlessly in his room, trying to find something to amuse himself, but before he could find it, Su Jiananā€™s phone call came, saying that she would come over at noon.

Xu Yuning, of course, was happy to have someone come over to accompany her and said, ā€œThen Iā€™ll wait for you!ā€

Time slowly passed in Xu Yuningā€™s waiting until the knock on the door came at twelve oā€™clock in the afternoon.

Xu Yuning ran over to open the door and was surprised to see Su Jianan and Ye Lu, ā€œYou guys ran into each other?ā€ freewёbnoĪ½el.com

ā€œYeah.ā€ Leaffall smiled, ā€œI came up to check on you, and if itā€™s okay, you and Jane-Ann can have a nice chat.

Ye Lu briefly helped Xu Yuning do a checkup, confirmed that there was no problem, got up and said, ā€œYou guys chat, Iā€™m going to get busy.ā€

Xu Yuning sent Ye Lu out, and after that, stayed in the living room with Su Jianan.

Su Jianan opened the thermos box, inside there was a cup of soup, and two colorful and flavorful rolls of meat dishes, a light and tasty vegetarian dishes, all of which Xu Yuning loved to eat.

The aroma of the meal drilled into his nostrils, and Xu Yuning already had his fingers in his mouth.

ā€œHurry up and eat.ā€ Su Jianan smiled and said, ā€œI came here two days ago, but you kept passing out, and only today did Sijun tell me that youā€™re in a much better state.ā€

Xu Yuning was a bit embarrassed, ā€œI didnā€™t even know about your visit the other day ā€¦ā€¦ā€

ā€œItā€™s good to know now!ā€ Su Jianan signaled Xu Yuning to move his chopsticks, ā€œEat while itā€™s hot.ā€

Xu Yuning picked up the chopsticks and realized that there was only one pair, looking at Su Jianan curiously, ā€œHave you eaten?ā€

ā€œUh-huh.ā€ Su Jiananā€™s lips overflowed with a happy smile, ā€œRecently, Xiyou and Xiangyi started to drink congee, and I accompanied them to eat their noon meal before going out.ā€

ā€œXiyou and Xiangyi ā€¦ā€¦ will soon learn to walk, right?ā€ Xu Yuning couldnā€™t help but sigh, ā€œTime flies, it seems like I havenā€™t seen them for a long time.ā€

Su Jianan suddenly thought of something and said, ā€œThe house that Sijun bought is already in the process of handing over, we will be neighbors from now on, you can see them anytime you want.ā€

Xu Yuning smiled and silently thought, wishing she could live until then.

Since she had gotten sick, Xu Yuningā€™s appetite hadnā€™t been very good, and only when she was with Mu Siju would she eat more than a couple of mouthfuls of food.

Today was the only exception.

The meal Su Jianan brought was so delicious that she actually ate it all.

Xu Yuning sighed contentedly, ā€œIt seems like itā€™s been a long time since Iā€™ve eaten so much.ā€

ā€œThink the flavor is okay?ā€ Su Jianan said, ā€œIf you like it, I can make it for you every day and have Uncle Qian send it over.ā€

ā€œThatā€™s too much trouble for you, you still have to take care of Xiyou and Xiangyi.ā€ Xu Yuning didnā€™t want to trouble Su Jianan, but also didnā€™t want to reject Su Jianan, so he said, ā€œTell you what, Iā€™ll call you when I want to eat.ā€

Su Jianan turned to think that eating her cooking every day would get boring after a long time.

It would be better to wait for Xu Yuning to want to eat, then she would send it over, so Xu Yuning could eat it more sweetly.

Su Jianan nodded, ā€œThatā€™s fine! You call me anytime!ā€

ā€œThanks.ā€ Xu Yuning looked at Su Jianan, hesitated for a long time, but still said, ā€œJianan, thereā€™s one more thing I want to trouble you with.ā€

ā€œWhat is it?ā€ Su Jianan gestured to Xu Yuning in a brisk tone, ā€œYou say it.ā€

Xu Yuning lips corners of the smile faded little by little, face only solemn: ā€œIf I can not get through this difficult time, Sijue must be very sad, you and Bo Yan can not ā€¦ā€¦ help me take care of Sijue for a period of time, to help him get through the difficult time.ā€

Su Jianan didnā€™t know why Xu Yuning suddenly said such words.

She subconsciously tried to comfort Xu Yuning, ā€œYuning, donā€™t be so pessimistic about your situation ā€¦ā€¦ā€

ā€œIā€™m actually optimistic right now.ā€ Xu Yuning smiled, ā€œI just want to prepare for the worst first.ā€

ā€œā€¦ā€¦ā€ Su Jianan was in a difficult situation, not knowing what to say.

ā€œLet me say a better plan-ā€ Xu Yuning squeezed out a smile, ā€œis that Iā€™m gone, but my child with Siju is fine.ā€

Su Jianan already knew what Xu Yuning was going to say next, nodded and said, ā€œI will, I will help take care of your children. But, small children always prefer their own moms, do you understand?ā€

ā€œI know.ā€ Xu Yuning smiled, this time with a little more anticipation, ā€œIā€™ll try to survive.ā€

ā€œNot as much as possible, it must be!ā€ Su Jianan hugged Xu Yuning, secretly giving her strength, ā€œYuning, if you go, we people will not be complete, Sijueā€™s home will not be complete, and your babies wonā€™t be able to feel a motherā€™s love. You are vital to us, Si Jue, and your baby, you must not have an accident.ā€

Xu Yuning nodded, ā€œIā€™ll try.ā€

ā€œWe will accompany you.ā€ Su Jianan hugged Xu Yuning tightly, ā€œNo matter what happens, weā€™ll face it together.ā€

This was the last thing they could do to help Xu Yuning, and what Xu Yuning needed most at the moment.

Xu Yuning pondered for a moment and said, ā€œActually, when I think about it, Iā€™m considered lucky.ā€

Though fate had given her a million twists and turns and difficulties, it seemed to owe her nothing in the area of friends and lovers.

Even if itā€™s just for her ā€œlittle bit of luckā€, sheā€™ll still have to bite the bullet and fight fate, and sheā€™ll persevere until she wins. ā€¦ā€¦

