A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu - C.1370 - How are you going to make me regret? (2)

A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu

C.1370 - How are you going to make me regret? (2)

Chapter 1370 How are you going to make me regret? (2)

Mu Sijun hooked the corner of his lips, a light smile spreading out from the bottom of his eyes.

He easily pressed down on Xu Yuning, clutched her hands, and tied them to the head of the bed.

He moved so fast that Xu Yuning reacted and realized that she could no longer break free, and could only protest, ā€œYouā€™re breaking the rules, let go of me ā€¦ā€¦ā€

ā€œArenā€™t you asking me how I plan to make you regret it?ā€ The smirk in the bottom of Mu Sijunā€™s eyes became even more pronounced, ā€œThere are many ways for me to do that.ā€


Xu Yuning, of course, understood what Mu Sijun meant, and her entire body shuddered fiercely.

If she remembers correctly, the ā€œmethodsā€ ā€¦ā€¦ of Mu Sijiu are quite a lot.

Is it too late for her to apologize to Mousseguy?

Oooh, she shouldnā€™t mess with the heavens or the earth even if she messes with Mushi Jennifer!

Mu Sijun ignored Xu Yuningā€™s wanting to cry, and ambiguously | bit her ear, ā€œDonā€™t be anxious, Iā€™ll tell you one by one.ā€

ā€œActually, I ā€¦ā€¦ā€

Xu Yuning wanted to say that she didnā€™t need to know that much detail.

But before the words were finished, Mu Sijun kissed her lips and blocked the rest of her words.

She protested, and Mushi ignored it.

In the end, she could only obediently follow Mu Sijun, one by one to experience his ā€œmethodā€, again and again to climb to the top of the clouds.

It was after two oā€™clock in the morning when the clouds subsided, and all was silent around them, as if even the noisy metropolis had fallen into a deep sleep.

Xu Yuning passed out from exhaustion.

Before she lost consciousness, she warned herself-never mess with anything in the future, never mess with Mushi Jennifer again!

The next day, Xu Yuning slept until late and woke up, as soon as she opened her eyes, she subconsciously searched for Mu Sijunā€™s figure.

Mousse had left at some point and was not in the room.

Xu Yuning wasnā€™t in a hurry, got up, and went to change clothes and wash up first.

The checkroom is not particularly large, but a floor-to-ceiling full-length mirror has been thoughtfully installed.

Through the mirror, Xu Yuning could see the deep and shallow red marks on her body, all in very ambiguous | places.

Every single one of them, left behind by Muji.

A night had passed, and she could almost remember Mousseā€™s force.

It was good that Mushi Jennifer was still gentle enough not to hurt the baby in her belly.

Thinking of the child, Xu Yuning was stunned for a moment before she came back to her senses, quickly dressed and went to find Mu Siju.

She hadnā€™t guessed wrong, Mousseguy was indeed in the study.

Noticing Xu Yuning, Mu Sijun stopped his hands, looked at the time, and said if he had a point, ā€œYou woke up a little earlier than I thought.ā€

Unwillingly, Xu Yuning retorted without thinking, ā€œIā€™m not as weak as you think!ā€

Musashi looked over and gave an approving look, ā€œIndeed.ā€

ā€œā€¦ā€¦ ā€œXu Yuning didnā€™t need to guess to know that Mu Sijun must have thought wrong again, she resolutely didnā€™t take Mu Sijunā€™s words, ā€œCoughingā€, ā€œIā€™m hungry. Iā€™m hungry, letā€™s go eat breakfast.ā€ After a pause, some serious then said, ā€œAfter breakfast, I have something to say to you.ā€

Mu Sijun didnā€™t think too much, finished breakfast with Xu Yuning and looked at her idly, ā€œWhat do you want to say to me? Iā€™m in a good mood right now, whatever request you make, I can promise you.ā€

Xu Yuning looked at Mu Sijue, and for a moment, she unexpectedly did not know how to speak, and could only try to organize the wording in her mind.

Mu Sijiu narrowed his eyes before realizing that what Xu Yuning wanted to tell him was not that simple.

His complexion became cold for a moment, but he didnā€™t rush, patiently waiting for Xu Yuning to speak.

ā€œSir, in fact ā€¦ā€¦ā€ Xu Yuning, as if she had summoned up a great deal of courage, slowly opened her mouth, ā€œYesterday evening, when Ji Qing came to find you, the words she said to you, I heard them all. ā€

Mu Sijun already had a bad feeling yesterday when he saw that the door to the room was just hidden.

Sure enough, not so many flukes exist in this world.

He had kept the truth from him for so long, and Xu Yuning had finally learned the truth in a way he hadnā€™t expected.

ā€œIā€™m sorry.ā€ Mu Sijun looked apologetically at Xu Yuning, ā€œI should have told you first.ā€

Xu Yuning shook his head, ā€œYou donā€™t need to apologize. I know why you hid it from me, and I know how difficult it was for you.ā€


Mousse didnā€™t say a word.

He did have a hard time, or rather, he was afraid to make that decision.

Xu Yuning took a deep breath, raised the corners of his lips, and said solemnly, ā€œBut Iā€™ve already decided!ā€

Mu Sijun was stunned, staring at Xu Yuning for an instant: ā€œWhat have you decided?ā€

Xu Yuning shrugged his shoulders and pretended to be relaxed, ā€œLetā€™s just pretend that nothing has happened.ā€

Mu Sijiu certainly understood what Xu Yuning meant.

Xu Yuning wanted him to pretend that her blood clots were not active, that her condition had not become more severe than before, and that everything was the same as before.

They, of course, maintain their previous decision to protect Xu Yuning and also the child.

A greater threat had struck without mercy, yet Xu Yuning still couldnā€™t give up his child.

How could Mousseguy ever give it up? But ā€¦ā€¦

ā€œYunin ā€¦ā€¦ā€

Mu Sijiu clearly had a thousand words, but they were choked in the mouth of his throat, unable to say a single word.

What he wanted to say, Xu Yuning knew.

Xu Yuningā€™s condition has become even less optimistic, if stubbornly continue to keep the child, Xu Yuning will have a greater probability of accidents.

Thatā€™s why Song Ji-Qing suggests giving up the child.

However, Xu Yuning clearly knew that even if she gave up her child, she would not necessarily be able to survive.

Thatā€™s why sheā€™s not willing to selfishly preserve herself.

Xu Yuning smiled and pulled over Mu Sijunā€™s hand, ā€œYou know what I think?ā€

Mu Sijun followed Xu Yuningā€™s words and asked softly, ā€œWhat do you think?ā€

Xu Yuning said fervently, ā€œI think that fate is not too cruel to us. Me and the child, he will always spare one of us. If Iā€™m stubborn enough to overcome fate, itā€™s not certain that my child and I can survive at the same time.ā€

Mu Sijun laughed and patted Xu Yuningā€™s head, ā€œI almost believed your words.ā€

ā€œHey, Iā€™m serious!ā€ Xu Yuning emphasized heavily, and then thought of something as if to continue, ā€œBesides, now that youā€™re allowed to choose, can you really give up the child!ā€


This time, Xu Yuning was really hitting Mu Si Jueā€™s soft underbelly.

Indeed, if he could, Musashi would not have hesitated for so long.

If it was in the past, Mu Sijun might be able to tell Xu Yuning without hesitation that he could give up the child.

But now, Xu Yuning was right, he could no longer give up that little life so easily.

Xu Yuning saw that Mu Sijue didnā€™t retort and was sure that he had guessed correctly, and said in a good way, ā€œHow about it, why donā€™t you just listen to me?ā€

Mu Sijue looked at Xu Yuning thoughtfully why did he have a feeling that he was being set up by Xu Yuning?

In the past, wasnā€™t it always him who set a trap for Xu Yuning?

Xu Yuning was afraid of Mu Sijiuā€™s refusal, and continued without waiting for him to open his mouth, ā€œEven if you refuse and make other decisions, I wonā€™t agree! So, donā€™t waste your time, itā€™s wiser to follow me!ā€

ā€œYuning, are you threatening me?ā€ Mu Sijun looked at Xu Yuning dangerously, ā€œYou mean, I can only listen to you?ā€

Xu Yuning nodded, ā€œThatā€™s right! Thatā€™s what I mean!ā€

Not many people dared to threaten Musashi.

Xu Yuning did this, and he did it the hard way.

The bottom of Mu Sijiuā€™s dark eyes was like a raging storm brewing, and as long as he burst out, he could destroy the sky and the earth at any time.

Thankfully, Mousseguy didnā€™t end up bursting out and just said, ā€œIā€™ll listen to you for now.ā€

Xu Yuning didnā€™t miss the point in Mu Sijueā€™s words and asked in confusion, ā€œWhat does ā€˜temporarilyā€™ mean?ā€

Mu Sijiu emphasized word for word: ā€œIt means that if the situation changes ā€¦ā€¦ Yuning again, I can only give up on him.ā€

ā€œā€¦ā€¦ā€ This time, it was Xu Yuningā€™s turn to be speechless.

ā€œIā€™m sorry.ā€ Mu Sijun kissed Xu Yuningā€™s brow, ā€œNo matter what, to me, itā€™s always you thatā€™s the most important.ā€

ā€œā€¦ā€¦ā€ Xu Yuning continued to be silent.

Mu Sijiu continued, ā€œThis time, I can listen to you, but next time, you must listen to me.ā€

If there was a next time, it could only mean that Xu Yuningā€™s condition was already very serious.

At that time, in the heat of the moment, Mu Siju probably couldnā€™t care less about the child, he would decisively choose Xu Yuning.

Xu Yuning also knew that the next time, she would definitely not be able to make the call.

She nodded her head as a promise to Mu Sijiu, then swore, ā€œThere will definitely not be a next time!ā€

She wouldnā€™t put herself in more danger!

Musashi certainly hoped that there wouldnā€™t be a next time.

Not counting Xu Yuning or the child, they can no longer withstand any destruction. freewebnĻƒvel.cŃ³m

ā€œThen we have a deal.ā€ Xu Yuning sighed with relief like she had solved something big and said, ā€œYou can go find Jiqing and tell him the answer.ā€ She could almost imagine Song Jiqingā€™s reaction and couldnā€™t help but smile, ā€œJiqing will be very depressed.ā€

Musashi raised an eyebrow and said in a nonchalant manner, ā€œThatā€™s his business.ā€

ā€œYou donā€™t look like this.ā€ Xu Yuning reminded Mu Sijue, ā€œJi Qing is at least my attending doctor.ā€

ā€œā€¦ā€¦ā€ Mu Sijun raised his eyebrows and suddenly said meaningfully, ā€œUp and down the entire hospital, the one who needs the most treatment happens to be you, the attending physician.ā€

ā€œWhat does ā€¦ā€¦ mean?ā€ Xu Yuning smelled an unusual odor and stared tightly at Mu Sijun, ā€œTell me honestly, what happened to Ji Qing?ā€

Displeasure was evident in the bottom of Mu Sijunā€™s eyes, ā€œSong Jiqing is just your attending doctor, you care so much about him?ā€

ā€œWhat Iā€™m worried about is Ye Lu!ā€ Xu Yuning said, ā€œIn case something happens to Ji Qing, the person who will be most upset will definitely be Ye Lu.ā€

Only then did Mu Sijiu say, ā€œDonā€™t worry, nothing can happen to Song Jiqing for the time being.ā€ He patted Xu Yuningā€™s head, ā€œI have something to go out, you stay well in the hospital and wait for me to come back.ā€

Xu Yuning still wanted to ask what Mu Sijueā€™s words meant, when the knock on the door came at just the right time, followed by Ah Guangā€™s voice: ā€œSeventh Brother, get ready to go!ā€

All she could do was watch Mousieu leave ā€¦ā€¦

